EU Seveso II Directive Operators obligations & Competent Authorities duties 2.3 Activity workshop Angeliki Tsatsou Dritsa Chemist, TA Key Expert 2 Zagreb June 2011
EU Seveso II Directive Dir. 96/82/EC: 996L0082:EN:HTMLhttp://eur- 996L0082:EN:HTML Dir. 2003/105/EC: 345:0097:0105:EN:PDFhttp://eur- 345:0097:0105:EN:PDF Consolidated text: :1996L0082: :EN:PDFhttp://eur- :1996L0082: :EN:PDF (Confirmed web links, May 2011)
EU Seveso II aim (Article 1) Aim: prevention of major accidents involving dangerous substances limitation of consequences to man and the environment, with view to ensuring high level of protection for man and the environment through out the Community
EU Seveso II aim Two powerful parties to attain aims: Operators/establishments Competent Authority/ies Efficient and transparent cooperation is imperative to achieve the objectives in areas concerning: Environment, Safety & Health, Civil Protection
EU Seveso II establishments Two categories of establishments based on substance quantities present: -Lower tier (lower category) -Upper tier (higher category) Hazard: intrinsic properties of chemicals Risk: substance hazards-quantities-paths and duration of exposure-population affected R = ƒ (quality of hazard, quantity of hazard, exposure to hazard)
EU Seveso II aim: Prevention All operators (Upper and Lower tier) requirements General obligations Notification Major Accident Prevention Policy-MAPPP Update controls in case of modifications Be available for inspection by the Competent Authority/ies) For Upper tier only Safety Report Safety Management System
EU Seveso II aim: Limitation of consequences For all operators: Land use Planning, when establishing MAPP/Safety Report take in account establishments where Domino effect may be initiated. For Upper tier Emergency Planning Information to the Public
Seveso II Operator obligations I Art.5: Prove to competent Authority, at any time, that all necessary measures as specified in the Directive have been taken Art.6: Submit Notification to competent Authority with information on the establishment and dangerous chemicals present Art. 7+ Annex III: Draw up Major Accident Prevention Policy - MAPPP
Operator Obligations II Art. 9 + Annex II: Prepare Safety Report including Safety Management System (Upper tier only) and submit to competent Authority Art. 10: Review/Revise MAPP and Safety Report in the event of Modification of establishments Art. 14: Supply information to competent Authority following a major accident in proper manner
Seveso II Competent Authorities duties I Art.6: Require Notification from Operator Art.8: Identify establishments potent of causing Domino effects Art.9: Examine Safety Report Make decision to allow or prohibit use of establishment Communicate conclusions to operator
Competent Authorities duties II Art. 11: Draw up External Emergency Plans Art.12: Implement Policy on Land Use Planning, when new establishments sited, modification of existing and new developments adjacent Art.13+Annex IV : Supply information to the public regularly, spontaneously and appropriately, on the basis of information on Safety Measures provided by Operator
Competent Authorities duties III Art. 15+ : Supply information to the Commission following major accidents Art. 17: Prohibiting from or bringing into use establishments and supplying information to the Commission accordingly upon action
Competent Authorities duties IV Art.18: Organize system of inspections or other measures of control appropriate to establishment concerned Art. 19: Exchange information with Commission on experience acquired on major accidents & incidents occurred
Competent Authorities duties V Art. 21and 22: Seveso II Committee of Competent Authorities (CCA) for: - regulatory procedures, adaptation to technical progress - exchanging information with the Commission - providing guidance
Operators draw up Major Accident Prevention Policy (MAPP). Lower tier est. make MAPP available to CA anytime and during inspections. Upper tier est. include it in Safety Report Operators’ aims & measures to control hazards as per the Safety Management System: organisation identification/evaluation of major hazards operational control management of change planning for emergencies performance monitoring audit and review MAPP: An obligation for all Operators
Safety Report: An obligation for upper tier establishments Minimum Information contained in Safety Report Information on Major Accident Prevention Policy (MAPP) and on Safety Management Systems (SMS) environment of the establishment description of the installation (s) in the establishment: identification and accidental risks analysis and prevention methods measures of protection and intervention to limit the consequences of an accident
Conclusions Both parts aim at preventing accidents and protecting man and the environment The Industry does so by being active and CAs do so by being proactive Their cooperation is imperative for achieving the aim
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