Project Comenius Science and Discoveries in Europe Základná škola J. Lipského s MŠ Trenčianske Stankovce-Slovakia
VODA - WATER Pokusy - Experiments
Hodina prírodovedy - návšteva čistiarne odpadových vôd Science lesson – visiting Wastewater T reatment P lant
Bolo veľmi zaujímavé vidieť, ako sa čistí odpadová voda. Vôbec to nie je jednoduché. It was a good experience to see how dirty water is cleaned. It is rather complicated.
Naše pokusy s vodou Our experiments with water
Pokus č. 1 Experiment №1 Ako čistiť špinavú vodu? How to clean dirty water?
Pomôcky: špinavá voda, poháre, fľaše, lievik... We need: dirty water, glasses, jars, bottles, a funnel...
Materiály na filtráciu – prírodné: Materials for filtration – natural: kamienky, štrk, piesok, hlina, uhlie, konáriky, tráva, small stones, gravel, sand, soil, coal, grass, pieces of wood....
Iné - others vata, papierové obrúsky, toaletný papier, látka, papierové filtre... cotton wool, napkins, toilet paper, paper towels, cloth, paper filters...
Filtrácia vody Water filtration 1.Do lievika zo zrezanej plastovej fľaše daj konáriky, kamienky, trávu, štrk a na to piesok, ktorý vyplní medzery. 1. Put natural materials- larger gravels, pieces of wood, grass... into the funnel made of a plastic bottle. Pour the sand over the gravel. It will fall through the gaps in the gravel. 2. Pomaly prelej špinavú vodu cez tento filter. Hrubé nečistoty sa zachytia na vrstvách, drobné nečistoty nie - voda je kalná. 2. Slowly pour dirty water through this filter. Bigger dirties do not pass through these layers, but small dirty particles pass through the spaces between the materials -water still looks muddy.
3. Viackrát prelej kalnú vodu cez iné druhy filtrov a voda sa lepšie vyčistí. 3. Pour muddy water through other filters more times and water is much more cleaner.
Táto skupina dievčat použila len toaletný papier ako filter – prečistenie bolo rýchlejšie. This girls group used only toilet paper as filter - cleaning was not so long.
Chlapci použili papierové obrúsky - filtrovanie bolo rýchle. These boys used paper towels – filtration was fast.
Ako filter dievčatá použili i textil, ktorý zachytával nečistoty. The girls used a piece of cloth as filter, the dirties were caught by it.
Títo chlapci čistili vodu s olejom, ktorý sa zachytil na filtri. These boys cleaned water with some oil, it was caught on the filter.
Týmto skupinám žiakov sa tiež podarilo očistiť špinavú vodu. These groups of pupils were also succesful in cleaning dirty water.
Experiment - video
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