WIDA ACCESS for English Language Learners (ELL) Testing Training for School Test Coordinators
Outcomes Review the requirements and testing window for the Assessing Comprehension and Communication in English State-to-State for English Language Learners (ACCESS) assessment. Identify expectations for basic security and handling of ACCESS test materials. Identify the roles and responsibilities of key personnel: ACCESS Test Administrator, School Test Coordinator, LEA LEP Coordinator, and LEA Test Coordinator Review the sections of the ACCESS test, approved accommodations, and requirements for completing the Review of Accommodations form. Understand procedures for student emergencies, testing irregularities and misadministration. Identify responsibilities for distribution of post-testing student reports. Review procedures for PreID label information. Follow NC manual and replace pp of national manual. Review materials packing and return procedure. School Test Coordinators will
New This Year Student ID Numbers Listening assessment has new script type. CD OR Web-based streaming file Alternate ACCESS is required Andrea will train EC teachers at the four schools.
ACCESS for ELLS in North Carolina (pp 1-3) Home Language Survey Administered to new enrollees ACCESS window February 2- March 13 (Additional materials request due Monday, Feb 9..Google) If another language is identified, WIDA ACCESS Placement Test is administered (W-APT). W-APT is the screener used for initial assessment and ESL program placement (Andrea). Assessment required for students enrolled between February 2 – March 6. Students are included in Annual Measurable Objectives (AMO) calculation*. *FDS and MFLEP Return materials Monday, March 16 8:00 – 11:30 Assessment complies with Title III of NCLB, requiring annual assessment of listening, speaking, writing, reading and English comprehension. Annual assessment (ACCESS) required for all students identified as LEP
General Security Guidelines (pp 3-5) Only district and school test coordinators and test administrators (or other authorized staff) may handle secure test materials. Ensure that all test administrators and proctors read and understand the Testing Code of Ethics (pp 45-49). Place all secure materials in locked storage*. Test administrators will return test materials to school test coordinator daily. Do not leave materials unattended before or after testing. Do not share any specific test information with students prior to or after testing. Do not copy any test booklets or other secure materials. *Locked storage facility access will be limited to test coordinator and back-up coordinator only.
Requirement to Report Scores (p 5) Inform parents of test dates, test specifics and use of results. Letter will be posted on Testing website. Scores reports must be shared within 30 days of receipt of the score. We expect reports to arrive after May 21. Scores are confidential. Teacher report and parent report are the same.
Suspended Students (p6) Students with short term suspensions are required to test Long-termed students: LEA decision
Roles and Responsibilities (pp 7-11) LEA Testing Department School Test Coordinator Collaborate with LEA LEP Coordinator Train school TCs Manage materials (Melissa) Monitor assessment implementation (TeachScape, OTISS) Distribute Reports Provide accommodations training Attend training, read manuals, and inform parents Adhere to District Testing Schedule Train ESL teachers on NC Manual Collaborate with ESL teacher to prepare testing plan/schedule (cafeteria/large room testing prohibited) Remain unencumbered to monitor testing Facilitate the Review of Accommodations forms completion process Monitors CFDC and manages records Collaborate with LEA Testing Department Train ESL Teachers in administering assessments Trains EC teachers in administering Alternate ACCESS Assist in reports distribution LEA LEP Coordinator Andrea Belletti
Test Administrator Qualifications and Responsibilities (pp 12-14) Certified Teacher NHCS requirements replace requirements on page 12 of NC Manual Teacher must have participated in test administration training (Andrea) Online component Face-to-face with Andrea Follow Testing Code of Ethics and security policies
Proctors (pp 14-16) Proctors (school employees) are REQUIRED for the following subtests Reading Writing Listening Proctors are NOT required for Kindergarten assessment Individual speaking assessment (all grades)
Prohibited Items in Testing Rooms (pp 16-17) Electronic Devices Teachers Students Students’ personal belongings may not be accessed during tests (including breaks). Text, reference books, thesauruses Food/Drink* *Except for medical requirements
ACCESS Materials (pp 16-17) Manual: NC Policy and Procedures Guide for Annual Testing manual (NC Manual) Manual: District & School (Grades 1-12) Test Administration (National Manual) Test Materials Documentation forms (multiple pages used for sign in and out) Packing forms (blue and pink) Tests Kindergarten Kit Grades 1-2 (Tiers A-C) Grades 3-5 (Tiers A-C) Grades 6-8 (Tiers A-C) Grades 9-12 (Tiers A-C)
25-40 minutes Multiple choice format Can be assessed in a group (no more than 22) NEED a CD and computer/CD player Must have a PROCTOR minutes Can be assessed in a group (no more than 22) Must have a PROCTOR. 30/60 minutes Can be assessed in a group (no more than 22) Must have a PROCTOR. Tier A: G min; Other grades Tiers B/C: minutes Scored by test administrator Individually assessed Proctor NOT required. 123 Administer Speaking Test LAST ListeningReading WritingSpeaking All times are approximations and do not include directions/materials distribution and collection Test Details (pp.17-19)
Levels of Scores - Tiers Tested
Tier Placement Guidelines - Andrea December 2014 Database update Use previous test scores (W-APT™ or ACCESS for ELLs) placing greater weight on student's reading/writing levels rather than oral skill levels. When in doubt, place the student in the higher tier. Andrea must grant permission to change tiers. Tier A For beginning learners For students previously scoring at the lowest level Tier B For most students Have social proficiency but have not mastered academic proficiency Tier C For students approaching grade level proficiency Will likely meet LEP exit criteria
Preparing Testing Environment (p 19) All testing environments should be quiet orderly, comfortable, classroom style (no auditorium or cafeteria testing) DISREGARD information in the national manual that states it is not necessary to cover print materials on classroom walls.
Bubbling Procedures (pp )
Students Eligible for Testing Accommodations (pp ) Students with disabilities Students with a 504 Plan Students with Transitory Impairment
Review of Accommodations Used During Testing form (p 25)
Testing Accommodations (p 26) 5 For the Writing Test, word processors, keyboarding devices, and similar assistive technology devices must have spelling and grammar check and dictionary/thesaurus turned off.
Student Emergencies and Testing Irregularities (pp 27-29) Account set up (NC ID) Approval procedure Training/manual TC responsibilities TC contacts Testing Office TC submits irregularity online Include student’s name and ID number
Test Plan –Due January 30; Post to Google Docs and share with testing team and principal.
Remember you can test grade level clusters together, if they are on the same Tier. Group testing sessions should be scheduled for the morning if possible! Group sessions can contain up to 22 students, but younger children may need smaller groups. Collaborate with your ESL teacher to create a testing plan. ACCESS for ELLs Testing Schedule Listening / Reading Sessions (75 minutes) PLUS Directions/Materials # of Students Total # of Students Writing Sessions (75 minutes) # of Students Total # of Students Sessio n Day / Time Room # Tier A Tier B Tier C Tier A Tier B Tier C Test Administrator Proctor Testing Schedule (See GOOGLE Docs)
Assume a middle school has to test 60 students, all in the same grade-level cluster (6-8). The distribution of the students in the tiers is: 15 in Tier A, 30 in Tier B and 15 in Tier C. The Testing Coordinator may set up the following sessions at the scheduled dates and times, preparing rosters for each session. In this plan, all 60 students are tested in both Listening/Reading and Writing in a total of 8 sessions. This schedule reflects that there is one Test Administrator at the school, so there are no simultaneous sessions. If the school had multiple Test Administrators, simultaneous sessions (in different rooms) may be set up. Note: Test Coordinators in elementary schools should also indicate the grade level cluster being tested in each session K, 1-2 or 3-5). Scenario
ACCESS for ELLs Testing Schedule Listening / Reading Sessions (75 minutes) # of Students Total # of Students Writing Sessions (75 minutes) # of Students Total # of Students Test Administrator Proctor Session Day / Time Room # Tier A Tier B Tier C Tier A Tier B Tier C 1 Mon. 2/10/13 9am K. GreeneM. Lewis 2 Mon. 2/10/13 11am K. GreeneM. Lewis 3 Tues. 2/11/13 9am K. GreeneM. Lewis 4 Tues. 2/11/13 11am K. GreeneM. Lewis 5 Wed. 2/12/13 9am K. GreeneM. Lewis 6 Wed. 2/12/13 11am K. GreeneM. Lewis 7 Thurs. 2/13/13 9am K. GreeneM. Lewis 8 Fri. 2/14/13 9am K. GreeneM. Lewis Sample Student Names
Student Pre-ID labels are shipped with test materials. Check the labels for accuracy. If the information on the label is correct, place it on the front cover of the test book in the designated box. VERIFY the TIER before attaching the label! If the information if incorrect, return the label to testing. You will need to hand code the book according to the instructions in the NC Guide (page 33-39). If there is NO label for a student (a newly enrolled student), you will need to hand code the book according to the instructions in the NC Guide (page 34-39). If you place a label on a booklet in error, follow the directions in the NC Guide (pages 32-33). You must complete a Review of Testing Accommodations Form for each child testing with accommodations and keep it on file at the school. Pre ID Labels (p 32)
Hand-coding Student Booklets (pp34-39) Special codes p Powerschool Id right justified
Packing Materials for Testing Department (pp. in the national manual)
Review Test Window - February 2-March 13, includes new enrollees up to March 6. Testing Plans due to Google Docs, Friday, January 30 (5 pm) Materials returned testing office Monday, March 16 (8:00-11:30)