Aim: Identify the effects of the Treaty on European Powers
A Troubled Treaty Versailles treaty was just one of 5 treaties negotiated by the Allies These agreements created feelings of bitterness and betrayal This was among both the victors and the defeated 2
The Creation of New Nations Western powers signed separate peace treaties in 1919 & 1920 with each of the defeated nations Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, & Ottoman Empire Several new countries were created out of the Austro-Hungary Empire Austria, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, & Yugoslavia Ottoman Turks forced to give up all of their former empire Allies carved up lands British controlled Palestine, Iraq & Transjordan France received Syria & Lebanon Finland, Estonia, Latvia, & Lithuania became independent nations 3
Treaty of Versailles did little to build peace United States ultimately rejected the treaty Many Americans objected to the settlement & to President Wilsons League of Nations Americans believed that the United States’ best hope for peace was to stay out of European affairs German’s war-guilt clause (Article 231) left a legacy of bitterness & hatred in the hearts of the German people Some Allied power were embittered with the outcome Japan & Italy entered the war to gain territory Both had gained less than they wanted 4