The End of the Great War
Germany Signs Armistace 11 am Assured that 14 Points are Basis for Peace
Fourteen Points Woodrow Wilson’s proposal for world peace. End all “secret agreements” between nations. Freedom of the seas. De-militarization of nations. Called for self-determination Creation of the League of Nations No reparations
League of Nations Wilson’s 14 th point Urged the creation of a general association of nations to protect the independence of both large and small nations.
“The Big Four” Paris Peace Conference Woodrow Wilson –Promoting his 14 Points. –“peace without victory” David Lloyd George –British Prime Minister –Wants to punish Germany for the war. Georges Clemenceau –Wants to punish Germany for what it did to France. Vitorrio Orlando –President of Italy –Wants to acquire territory.
But… Russia and Germany were not invited or allowed to participate.
Secret Treaties Signed by Allies before US entered war Great Britain: German colonies. Japan: Pacific colonies. France, Russia, and Italy: expand borders. Germany and Austria-Hungary: war reparations Wilson furious!
The Treaty of Versailles
Article 231 The Allied and Associated Governments affirm and Germany accepts the responsibility of Germany and her allies for causing all the loss and damage to which the [Allies] have been subjected as a consequence of the war imposed upon them by the aggression of Germany and her allies.
Article 198 The armed forces of Germany must not include any military or naval forces.
The Treaty of Versailles June, 1919June, Germany would accept full responsibility for the war. 2.Germany would pay war reparations. 3.Germany was disarmed. 4.Allies took German colonies. 5.New nations created Poland, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, Latvia, Estonia, and Finland.Poland, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, Latvia, Estonia, and Finland. 6.Creation of the League of Nations. Germany “blackmailed” into signing.Germany “blackmailed” into signing.
The League of Nations Headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland. Each member has 1 vote Executive Council –United States, France, Great Britain, Italy, and Japan. League Covenant –Try diplomacy before war Weaknesses 1.“aggressor nations” never defined 2.Ignores nationalism—people live inside unfriendly borders 3.No way to solve economic problems that led to wars.