Victory at Last 1945
World War II fatality statistics vary, with estimates of total dead ranging from 63 to 78 million, making it the deadliest war in world history Canadian WW2 Stats BranchKilledWoundedPrisonerNotes Army 24,870 58,094 6, died while prisoner of war Air Force 17,974 ? 2, died while prisoner of war Navy 4,154 ? ?- Casualties
Province Male Population (18-45) RCNArmyRCAFTotal % Mal e Popula tion (18-45) Prince Edward Island19,000 1,448 6,333 1,528 9, % Nova Scotia123,000 6,837 45,020 7,498 59, % New Brunswick94,000 2,737 35,947 6,453 45, % Quebec699,000 12, ,269 24, , % Ontario830,000 40, ,937 90, , % Manitoba159,000 7,782 48,542 20,120 76, % Saskatchewan191,000 6,472 52,306 21,827 80, % Alberta178,000 7,360 50,844 19,499 77, % British Columbia181,000 11,925 58,246 20,805 90, % Outside Canada ,892 5,900 16,278 - Not Stated TOTAL2,474,000 98, , ,501 1,029, % Canadian Armed Forces Intake During WWII (By Province) Canadian Armed Forces Intake During WWII (By Province)
CountryMilitaryCivilianTotal USSR12 million15 million27 million China1.8 million7.5 million9.3 million Poland400, million6.26 million Germany3.25 million2.44 million5.69 million Japan1.5 million500,0002 million Yugoslavia305, million1.66 million Romania450,000465,000915,000 Hungary200,000600,000800,000 France245,000350,000595,000 Great Britain403,00092,700495,000 Italy330,000100,000430,000 Austria280,000125,000405,000 United States407,0006,000413,000 Greece60,000350,000410,000 Czechoslovakia7,000315,000322,000 Netherlands13,700236,000249,000 Philippines27,00091,000118,000 Belgium23,00076,00099,000 Finland80,00010,00090,000 Bulgaria10,00051,00061,000 Canada45,000 Australia35,000 Albania20,00010,00030,000 India25,000 New Zealand17,000 *Civilian numbers include those killed as a result of the Holocaust* Numbers of Deaths Death figures for World War Two vary from source to source. The figures below are believed to be reasonably accurate
COUNTRYCASUALTIES Soviet Union23,954,000 China15,000,000 Germany7,728,000 Poland5,720,000 Japan2,700,000 India2,087,000 Yugoslavia1,027,000 Rumania833,000 Hungary580,000 France567,600 Greece560,000 Italy456,000 Great Britain449,800 United States418,500 Czechoslovakia345,000 Netherlands301,000 Austria123,700 Finland97,000 Belgium86,100 Canada45,300 Australia40,500 Bulgaria25,000 New Zealand11,900 South Africa11,900 Norway9,500 Spain4,500 Denmark3,200 TOTAL:63,185,500
Canada’s war effort changed the country forever. There had been a major contribution of manpower and a miracle in the expansion of our productive capacity. Our economy was strengthened by the war and our international status considerably enhanced. Canada emerged from the war as a “middle power.”