The Aftermath and Lingering Impact of World War One.
World War I finally ended on November 11, During the war four empires had disappeared and a new menace, labeled Bolshevism, arose. Millions of people tasted new ideas and feelings associated with nationalism, national self determination, and democracy.
The efforts to adjust the war and what people experienced during and after WW1 would dominate decisions in every area for the rest of the century.
Though the armistice was in effect, the allies continued to wage war against Germany by naval blockages and pressuring Germany into agreement at Versailles.
The USA briefly sent troops to Russia. In order to overthrow the Bolsheviks, but this half- hearted and ineffective interference in Russian affairs would only lay the groundwork for the cold war.
Woodrow Wilson arrived in Paris in December His plan was to negotiate peace agreements and to secure a new world order but unfortunately he lost his fight. Instead the negotiations took place behind doors. Wilson got the League of Nations, something he always wanted, but paid the price of harsh peace.
The Treaty of Versailles was finally signed on June 28, It didn’t help or prove any real peace.
Over 9 million soldiers were killed in World War I. It was the worst disaster in the history of the world. Four empires collapsed along with large parts of France. Belgium and Russia lay devastated.
Millions of people had to cope with the war. Some remembered, others forgot, many asked “ What did this all mean?” Germans felt they had not lost the war on the battlefield. Thinking the army and those who died had been betrayed by traitors at home certain Germans sought revenge. Adolf Hitler rose up to lead them.
World War 1 influenced the formation of the European Union. War on such a large scale between countries had never been seen before. Because of that military power now has less significance in European politics. Nowadays, terrorism is a more common practice.
Author unknown. “The Great War.” PBS. tml tml Authors unknown. “Hatred and The Great War”, “Impact of the Great war.” Google.