Community Health Development Project in Long Reap Hoi 1 Members 1.Mr.Nalong Bouchaleune (Lao PDR) 2.Ms.Win Pa Pa Soe (Myanmar) 3.Mr.Kirati pong Punyaruang (Thailand) 4.Mr.Sajja Chokeboonsongsawad (Thailand) Project Management Learning Program April 2010, Mekong Institute, Khon Khaen
Outline Problem and objectives Problem and objectives Stakeholder Analysis Stakeholder Analysis Problem Tree Analysis Problem Tree Analysis Objective Tree Analysis Objective Tree Analysis Design and Monitoring Framework (DMF) Design and Monitoring Framework (DMF) Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) MS Project MS Project Program benefits Program benefits 2
Problems and objectives 3 - Communicable disease is the major health problem - Physical access is becoming of a barrier to health services for local community - The overall strategic framework identifies health as a priority sector for community development; -proposing to decrease the spread of communicable diseases and raise life expectancy - upgrading the quality and capacity of health personnel; - improving health financing -The Project will support the strengthening of policy and capacity for health system development communitywide.
Community Health Development Project in Long Reap Hoi 1.Stakeholder Analysis Stake Holder Stakeholder InterestPerceived ProblemResource Mandate Local Population - High salaries - Work in Tourist Industry with high living standard -Lack of capitals - Lack of knowledge -High living cost -Increase crime case -Cultural problem Cultural and traditional ways Tourist-Less crime travel to the local interesting place -Healthy Food and good sanitation -No interpretation -Environmental pollution Willingness to pay for improved service New Inhabitants-Earn more money - get skillful workers -Reduce the price of rooms and meal -Compete with other business -Lack of skillful workers Enough Capital Resource 4 Project Management Learning Program April 2010, Mekong Institute, Khon Khaen
Community Health Development Project in Long Reap Hoi Stake Holder Stakeholder InterestPerceived ProblemResource Mandate Sex Workers- With high income more visitors -Get health care -Lack of health care service -Lack of information about HIV/AIDS Service Department of Health-Control HIV/AIDS outbreak - decrease drug abuse -Poor HIV/AIDS prevention program -Increase of prostitution -Cannot provide health service to sex workers Knowledge and capital to prevent local community health problem Government Sectors (Mayor) -Prevent trafficking of women and child -Want to get high living standard of local people -Not enough budget -Illegal works increase -Cannot control tourist visiting at the same time Authority to manage 1.Stakeholder Analysis (Cont’d) 5 Project Management Learning Program April 2010, Mekong Institute, Khon Khaen
Community Health Development Project in Long Reap Hoi 2.Problem Tree 6
Community Health Development Project in Long Reap Hoi 3.Objective Tree 7
Community Health Development Project in Long Reap Hoi Design SummaryPerformance Targets Data SourceAssumption/ Risks ImpactGood Health Condition 60% of local community are in good health after 3 years - Health Index by Ministry of Health - WHO (World Health Organization) A: Participation of MOH and local government regarding the HIV/AIDS health care program remain stable and active R: New Occurrence of virus and disease Outcome1.Communicable HIV/AIDS disease in the area decreased 2.Local people have awareness (disease situation) 1.Disease decrease 50% from current situation within 3 years 2.Number of awareness people 60% local community in 3 years -Statistics from Ministry of Health - Survey (Primary Data) A: Health care program is appropriate for local community R: - local community don’t have sufficient access to get information - Uneducated person will don’t understand the PR program - Ignore the program 4.Design and Monitoring Framework 8 Project Management Learning Program April 2010, Mekong Institute, Khon Khaen
Community Health Development Project in Long Reap Hoi Design SummaryPerformance TargetsData Source Assumption/ Risks Output 1.1 New hospitals/ clinics 1.2 Treatment/ preventation program 1.3 Skillful doctors and health staff 2.1 PR Program 2.2 Trained sex workers for alternative jobs 1.1 (1) big hospital and 15 clinics after 3 years 1.2 (4) times/ year 1.3 (10) skilled doctors+ 50 skilled staffs in hospital and 10 skilled doctors and 20 trained staffs in clinic 2.1 (2) programs /2 times / year during 3 years 2.2 (50) sex workers/2 program 4 times per year in 3 successive years - Physical Inventory - Project Report A: - Financing of MOH improve for hospital and clinic - There are enough capacity for skill training of health staffs - The cost of building material will not increase more than 20% R: - Health staff don’t want to go to local area - Sex worker refuse the alternative jobs 4.Design and Monitoring Framework (cont’d) 9
Community Health Development Project in Long Reap Hoi Design SummaryPerformance Targets Data SourceAssumption/ Risks Activities and Milestone 1. Feasibility Study for build the 1 hospital and 15 clinics. 2. Training 20 doctors and 70 staffs to know how to prevent and cure the disease. 3. Making PR program to inform people about the communicable disease in Long Reap Hoi. 4. Conducting communicable disease prevention and treatment program. Providing vaccination and curative services to 5,000 local community people. Input ADB – $ million Building Construction – $ 7.58 million Training – $ 0.35 million PR program – $ 1.3 million Prevention and Treatment Program – $ 7.66 million 4.Design and Monitoring Framework (cont’d) 10
11 Work breakdown structure 1.1Construction feasibility study Design the building Approval for budget Construction Approval for building 1.2 Training Indentify & Hire the resource person Training Course defined Provide training facilities Training for target groups (doctors & staffs) 1.3 Training Identification of target groups Organizing Team Selecting and making contents Selection of Media 1.3.5Run the PR program 1.3 Prevention/ Treatment Program Promotion of Health Education Simplify/Improve the hospital procedure Providing vaccination and immunization Provide Curative Service Community Health Development Program
Community Health Development Project in Long Reap Hoi 5.Work break down structure (WBS) 12
Community Health Development Project in Long Reap Hoi 13 Project Management Learning Program April 2010, Mekong Institute, Khon Khaen 6.Task Dependencies and Critical Path Start Project Construction Hospital /clinics start Finished construction Feasibility Study Feasibility Study is finish Design the Building Set Approved For Building Budget is approved Approved For Construction Started Training The Health Staffs Finished Training Program Identify & Hire the Resource Person Hire the Resource Person finished Training Course define Provide Training facilities Training for Doctors & staffs Training Finishde PR Program Finished PR Program Identification Of Target groups Organize The PR Team Selecting & Making Contents Selecting & Making Contents is finished Selection Of Media Selected Media Run the Program Prevention/ Treatment Program Finished Presentation/ treatment Program Promotion of Health Education Simplify the Hospital Procedures Providing Vaccination & Immunizations Vaccination & Immunizations Provided Provide Curative Service Curative Service is Provide Finished
Community Health Development Project in Long Reap Hoi 14 Project Management Learning Program April 2010, Mekong Institute, Khon Khaen 5.Work break down structure (WBS) (cont’d) WBS and Task Duration
Community Health Development Project in Long Reap Hoi 15 Project Management Learning Program April 2010, Mekong Institute, Khon Khaen 6.Task Dependencies and Critical Path (cont’d) Critical Path
Program Benefits 16 Health benefit incorporates challenges facing local community in gaining access to health services delivers good-quality services from new hospitals and clinics. Social and poverty benefit make illness less costly reduce communicable disease, maternal mortality with major impact on the well-being of the family and the survival of children. Economic benefit project interventions will reduce illness and premature death in the family, thereby improving productivity and income. cost savings due to increased health service coverage. resource or out-of-pocket savings may flow from increased access to nearby health services (e.g., reduced transport costs)
Sustainable Community Health Development Program 17
Thank you for your kind attention. 18 Project Management Learning Program April 2010, Mekong Institute, Khon Khaen Community Health Development Project in Long Reap Hoi