educarchile The national educational internet portal A partnership with the Ministry of Education (through Enlaces) Supported by a network of public and private strategic alliances: –ICT corporations (MICROSOFT, COMPAQ, SUN MICROSYSTEMS, etc) –educational content creators and owners (universities, foundations, etc.) –audiovisual creators and producers (animation, video, games, etc.) –technological developers (CMS, web tools, etc.) –national public funding institutions (CORFO) –international funding institutions (IDB, WB, ICA, etc.)
the portal segmented audiences services for teachers, students, families, researchers and schools focus on added value fully updated twice a month leading attributes: useful representative national autonomous participative public service pluralist innovative quality communicative
the goals To provide educational information, resources, services and experiences in high quality and innovative formats. To stimulate the creation and participation of all members of the educational community through communication, interaction and collaboration. To foster the creation and development of ICT competencies for the support of the educational activity and the integration of all people into the information society.
for the teachers INFORMATION segmented news and articles RESOURCES creation and retrieval of lesson plans educational library educational experiences sharing personal web pages professional development SERVICES hard disk space chats and forums specialized search engine support center
for the students INFORMATION segmented news and articles RESOURCES homework support PSU support personal web pages educational library educational web resources dictionaries and translators SERVICES hard disk space chats and forums specialized search engine support center
for the family INFORMATION segmented news and articles RESOURCES content retrieval by subject: “web content for the family” “growing together” “family and school” “spare time” family web pages professional development SERVICES hard disk space chats and forums specialized search engine support center
for the researchers INFORMATION segmented news and articles analysis and info-graphs RESOURCES researchers network content retrieval by subject: school management / education economy distance education / ICT and education / education policies / etc. web resources personal web pages professional development SERVICES hard disk space chats and forums specialized search engine support center
for the school management INFORMATION segmented news and articles RESOURCES tools: institutional planning human resources financials administrative processes web resources institutional web pages innovative practices SERVICES hard disk space chats and forums specialized search engine support center
the results so far (since OCT 2001) visits page views registered users teachers students parents 5.517researchers active boxes content units support center services 426 user published web sites 13 contests with students and1.406 teachers participating
the results so far priority audience: teachers (UC survey) 86% teachers know the portal 76% teachers have used it 68% visited it last month 49% used it to download content for his/her professional activities 26% used the lesson plans tool 52% of chilean teachers are registered users of educarchile
the challenges Multimedial resources to foster the teaching of English as second language and the use of ICT in the classroom Digitalization of the entire curriculum SIMCE support On-line assessment tools for teachers and students New audiences: –preschool, special (handicapped) and technical schools –principals and management staff –university students Formation programs for the family
the network Deployment of a network of educational portals throughout Latin- America Initial partners: Argentina Colombia Chile Ecuador Financial support: IDB ICA Take off: June 2004