Mind-Body communication. Multiple Factors Determine Health 1.Nutrition –The food you eat! Healthy foods promote good health; bad foods can make you sick.


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Presentation transcript:

Mind-Body communication

Multiple Factors Determine Health 1.Nutrition –The food you eat! Healthy foods promote good health; bad foods can make you sick. 2.Physical Fitness –Exercise increases health! Exercise makes the whole body stronger. 3.State of Mind

State of Mind – thoughts and emotions Positive thoughts about yourself and about other people around you lead to positive emotions –Positive emotions can act as motivation to live in a healthy way –Positive thoughts and emotions can increase healing and longevity and speed recovery from illness and injury Negative thoughts can cause depression, pessimism, decreased health, and decreased longevity

Mind + Body The mind and body are part of a single organism –The mind controls the body: without a mind to tell it what to do, the body doesn’t work –The body houses the mind: without a body, the mind has nothing to control, and no way of existing. It is possible to focus the mind to promote health –Relaxation, hypnosis, guided imagery, meditation.

Mind-Body communication The brain communicates with the body in order to tell the body what to do The body communicates with the brain in order to tell the brain what is happening –It’s hot, it’s cold, there’s danger, it’s hungry, it’s thirsty, it’s sick etc. This communication occurs through the nervous system, hormones and immune cells!

The Nervous System

What happens when you run really fast? –Heart rate increases –Muscles contract –You sweat –Breathing increases What happens when you get scared? –The same things! If something scares you, your brain tells your body to get ready! –A thought can cause you to sweat, can increase your heart rate, can give you a stomach ache, can make your head hurt. Sadness may cause similar reactions.

The Nervous System You can control the amount and type of messages that get sent to your nervous system. –Quiet your mind – keep your nervous system from getting overloaded with too much stuff –Spend minutes a day relaxing and thinking good thoughts! What makes you laugh? Happy? Thankful? Thinking of these things will relax the brain.

Hormones Hormones are chemicals that are made by organs in the body –chemical messages that are sent from one part of the body to another –Different hormones cause different bodily reactions Stimulate growth Mood swings Control puberty Control body temperature etc. –They can be produced as a result of thoughts

Immune System Your immune system is a collection of organs and cells that work together to fight disease Controlled by hormones and the nervous system. Needs a lot of energy to run system –If your brain and body are overworked there won’t be energy left for your immune system…a tired body is quick to get sick and slow to get better!

Mind-Body Communication Your brain controls your hormones, nervous system, and immune system Emotions and thoughts affect your brain You control your emotions and thoughts for health BRAIN hormones Immune system nervous system emotions/ thoughts

Homework Read article about the Placebo effect and answer questions