The South Africa I know, the home I understand Statistics for Transparency, Accountability, Results and Transformation T S T A R
The South Africa I know, the home I understand Mandate Statistics fulfils a vital role as a decision support system o System of planning – roadmap to achieve long-term goals o System of monitoring and evaluation – to know and understand status of progress against goals and targets o System of evidence and accountability for the state: Informs planning and policy development Monitors progress and evaluate performance Communicate the efficacy of the development agenda Enable citizens the right/entitlement to participate in democracy Stats SA has the statutory mandate to: o Produce official statistics o Coordinate the production of official and other statistics within the South African National Statistics System (SANSS) o Disseminate and be guarantor of use
The South Africa I know, the home I understand Risk map CPI basket (2001) GDP (1998) SASA (2005) Risks (2001) What was our response? Did we act with speed? Did these risks eventuate? How have we mitigated these risks? Disseminate (2012) Disseminate (2012) Labour statistics (2006) NSS (2001) Geography (2009) Geography (2009) Collection methods (2011) ICOTS (2003) Stats Act (2014) Stats Act (2014) Succession (2012) Succession (2012) Race discourse (2013) Race discourse (2013) Business Register (1998) Business Register (1998) Post MDG (2014) Post MDG (2014)
The South Africa I know, the home I understand Risks eventuated CPI basket (2001) Risks (2001) Risks (2001) CPI debacle in 2003 Impact: Loss of credibility Estimated R50 billion to government and R10 billion to private sector CPI debacle in 2003 Impact: Loss of credibility Estimated R50 billion to government and R10 billion to private sector Disseminate (2012) Disseminate (2012) 2001 – 2005 qualified audit opinions 2001/02 disclaimer 2001 – 2005 qualified audit opinions 2001/02 disclaimer Failure of evidence to reach the audience indirectly leading to: o Public protests o Loss of life o Loss of property o Wrong choices Failure of evidence to reach the audience indirectly leading to: o Public protests o Loss of life o Loss of property o Wrong choices ICOTS & SASA ICOTS & SASA Failure to impact on maths teaching and appreciation at schools Levels of statistical competence among Blacks and Coloureds still leaving a lot to be desired Failure to impact on maths teaching and appreciation at schools Levels of statistical competence among Blacks and Coloureds still leaving a lot to be desired
The South Africa I know, the home I understand What have we done?
The South Africa I know, the home I understand Strategy map Invest in learning and growth Invest in learning and growth Businesses processes Businesses processes Statistical products In space Statistical products In space Statistical production Governance & Administration Technology & Infrastructure People Statistical Coordination & Support Outcome: Evidence for decisions Outcome: Evidence for decisions Employment Manufacturing Service Delivery Construction Transport Agriculture Trade Finance Mining Utilities Population Increased use of statistical information as evidence in: Planning Policy development Policy development Monitoring & Evaluation Monitoring & Evaluation Decision- making Decision- making Education Impact on Society Impact on Society A Better Life for All Improved service delivery Economic growth & transformation Decent jobs Healthy life People are & feel safe Statistical Frames Organisation
The South Africa I know, the home I understand Investing in people Schools level (Maths4Stats – training of teachers, – school curriculum adopted) Tertiary level (KZN, Stellenbosch, Wits, UCT) Inside Stats SA (Internship, e-learning, bursaries, leadership training, statistical training ) Empowering partners in the NSS & Continent (Certificate in official statistics, Statistical methodology)
The South Africa I know, the home I understand Governance & Administration Unqualified audit Improved systems, processes & policies (E.g. Invoice Tracking System; ICT governance framework) Integrated planning and reporting (Programme & project planning & reporting) Enterprise risk management (Strategic and Operational risks) Management systems (Use of Management Performance Assessment Tool)
The South Africa I know, the home I understand Statistical products Manufacturing Business services Construction Transport, storage & communication Agriculture, hunting, forestry & fishing 18 releases 25 releases 15 releases 14 releases 1 release Trade Finance Mining & Quarrying Electricity, Gas & Water 12 releases 36 releases 17 releases 13 releases Tourism 25 releases GDP Quarterly Annual Understanding Economic growth & transformation 171 releases
The South Africa I know, the home I understand Statistical products Introduced new CPI methodology in 2009 Introduced new CPI methodology in 2009 Consumer Price Index 12 releases Producer Price Index 12 releases Re-engineered PPI published In 2013 Understanding Price changes 12 releases Understanding Employment, Decent work and Job creation Quarterly Employment Survey 4 releases Quarterly Labour Force Survey 4 releases Annual Report Introduced new QLFS methodology in 2008
The South Africa I know, the home I understand Statistical products General Household Survey 12 releases Non-financial Survey of Municipalities 1 Release Understanding Poverty and Service Delivery 1 Release Understanding Education Countrywide almost 85% of households had access to electricity Income & Expenditure Survey 1 Release Census 2011 General Household Survey Quarterly Labour Force Survey Statistical system: Partnering with Dept of Basic Education Census of Schools (Limpopo & Eastern Cape) Statistical system: Partnering with Dept of Basic Education Census of Schools (Limpopo & Eastern Cape) Living Conditions Survey 3 Release
The South Africa I know, the home I understand Statistical products Mortality and Causes of Death 12 releases Other Vital statistics 1 Release Understanding Health 16 releases Understanding Crime Tuberculosis has been the leading cause of death over the past 10 years Statistical support to Department of Health Victims of Crime Survey Statistical support to SAPS: o Data quality policy on Crime Statistics o Statistical support and advice o Training in SASQAF Statistical system: Partnering with SAPS 1 release 2 reports
The South Africa I know, the home I understand Statistical products Census 2011 Key achievements Released results: 30 October 2012 (within 12 months) Various platforms: Roambi, Mobi, other androids, web portal, cd’s, print Key products: - My Ward, My Councillor - Digital Atlas - My Village, My Suburb (Ikaya) - Umkhanyakude (new data portal) Key achievements Released results: 30 October 2012 (within 12 months) Various platforms: Roambi, Mobi, other androids, web portal, cd’s, print Key products: - My Ward, My Councillor - Digital Atlas - My Village, My Suburb (Ikaya) - Umkhanyakude (new data portal)
The South Africa I know, the home I understand Statistical coordination Addressing the information gap Census of Schools, data mining, integrative statistical and geographical products, engaging experts and researchers, MDG process Addressing the quality gap SASQAF Statistical support and advice to various organs of state including SAPS, provincial governments, municipalities, Home Affairs, Transport, DPME, Tourism Addressing the skills gap CRUISE, E-learning, training in statistical competencies, training municipalities in use of statistical products
The South Africa I know, the home I understand Communicate, Disseminate and Use Communicate Communicated results; created good public awareness of the organisation and products; trained media Disseminate Created various platforms for dissemination to increase access (Umkhanyakude, Roambi etc) Use Developed specialised products (My ward, My Councillor etc) ISIbalo Annual Symposia and ISIbalo Annual Lecture Series
The South Africa I know, the home I understand Impact on Society Increased statistical literacy? (increasing rationale for making decisions) Results used for transparency and accountability? (Statistics for Transparency, Accountability, Results and Transformation) Used in the planning environment? (baseline information for NDP) Increased knowledge, understanding and use by the leadership, citizens and state Used in the monitoring and evaluation environment? (measuring development and impact)
The South Africa I know, the home I understand Going forward
The South Africa I know, the home I understand Strategic intent Invest in learning and growth Invest in learning and growth Businesses processes Businesses processes Statistical products In space Statistical products In space Statistical production Governance & Administration Technology & Infrastructure People Statistical Coordination & Support Outcome: Evidence for decisions Outcome: Evidence for decisions Employment Manufacturing Service Delivery Construction Transport Agriculture Trade Finance Mining Utilities Population Increased use of statistical information as evidence in: Planning Policy development Policy development Monitoring & Evaluation Monitoring & Evaluation Decision- making Decision- making Education Impact on Society Impact on Society A Better Life for All Improved service delivery Economic growth & transformation Decent jobs Healthy life People are & feel safe Statistical Frames Organisation
The South Africa I know, the home I understand Invest in learning and growth Statistical literate society (Schools level: Maths4Stats – training of teachers, – Adopt a school) Statistical and technical competency (Tertiary level: KZN, Stellenbosch, Wits, UCT et) Institution building (Strategy, governance and accountability = predictable & sustainable) Statistical leadership and management (Fundamental principles of Official Statistics, Charter on Statistics in Africa and legislative reform)
The South Africa I know, the home I understand Statistical production, coordination & use Frames (Business register; Geospatial Information Frame) Standards and classification (SNA 2008; SEEA 2012; NCA; ISIC4; SASQAF ) Statistical production (innovative collection methods - CPS; GDP expenditure approach; Large scale Community Survey; small area estimation) Statistical coordination (SAPS; Education; CRVS; Municipalities, certification) Communication, dissemination and use (Outreach, Technology; engage & train users)
The South Africa I know, the home I understand Priorities Urgent Dissemination and use (levers: municipalities and schools) Community Survey /Continuous Population Survey (Income and expenditure, poverty, service delivery information) GDP: Expenditure side Frames (business register, spatial info frame, master sample) Legislative review (policy document & Amendment Bill) Designate statistics as official (SASQAF) Statistical coordination (NSDS, Administrative records – Education, SAPS, Agriculture) International standards (SNA2008; ISIC4; SEEA) Post 2015 Agenda (MDGs) New building Maintain & Improve Price statistics Economic growth and transformation statistics Population statistics Financial statistics Employment statistics (harmonisation) Governance and management information systems Quality and methodology International statistical development & support Museum value 100 years of statistical practice 20 years of statistics in democracy Geographic statistical areas Historical time series Innovate & Invest Collection & dissemination methods (including technology) Research & development ISIbalo statistics training & development programme
The South Africa I know, the home I understand START T S T A R Use T ransformation is action in unison to drive change for the better S tatistics are numerical facts for statecraft T ransparency is a pre-audit to ensure predictability A ccountability is taking responsibility and accepting consequences R esults allow parties to read the same facts
The South Africa I know, the home I understand Step change to START T ST A R Use