Critical Theories. What is it? The terms “literary theory” and “critical theory” refer to essentially the same fields of study. They both address ways.


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Presentation transcript:

Critical Theories

What is it? The terms “literary theory” and “critical theory” refer to essentially the same fields of study. They both address ways of looking at literature beyond the typical plot- theme-character-setting studies.

Why study critical theories? Affirm your perspective and speak to what you see in the literature. Comprehend a view different from yours and those who hold that view. Gain deeper understanding of the author’s work and a better appreciation for it.

1. The World 2. The Author 3. The Text Other Texts Real World 4. The Reader Beyond the World Text = Objective reality New Criticism: the TEXT (as art) Structuralism: the TEXT (as language system) Psychoanalytic: AUTHOR/READER/text Reader Response: READER/TEXT/community of readers w/shared values THE 4 CRITICAL VARIABLES of LITERARY THEORY & CRITICISM Text = Ideologically constructed language ITS CONTEXT Text = Symbol, Archetype Queer and Feminism Studies: WORLD/author/text/reader Marxist: WORLD/text

Tradition Approaches Historical—author’s historical moment is key to understanding a literary text Biographical—author’s personal experiences are central to understanding the text Social realism (?)—social transparency is key to understanding the text…

New Criticism/ Formalism Examines… the work itself as a stand-alone product and does not take into account the history of either the author or time period. the universal signifiers (words, marks, symbols) of literature—finding meaning these signifiers.

Little Red Riding Hood

Feminism Examines…. patriarchal language and literature by exposing how these reflect masculine ideology. the subtle construction of masculinity and femininity, and their relative status, positioning, and marginalization within works. the female experience.

Feminism in context Using Cinderella… Consider the potentially misogynist theme of abused-girl-waiting-to-be- rescued-by-prince. Consider the values conveyed in the portrayal of the “good girl” as physically beautiful and the “wicked girls” as physically ugly.

Lesbian and Gay (Queer Theory) Examines… the effect sexual orientation has on interpreting a text. What are the roles of the GTLB characters in a text? Are they traditional? Outcast? Which then leads to who has been outcast– is it because this character is gay/lesbian (nonheterosexual) roles? How is the sexual orientation reflected in the text? how gays and lesbian authors have dealt with making their work more acceptable to the general public.

Psychoanalytic/ Freudian Examines… secret unconscious desires and anxieties of the author. a literary work as a manifestation of the author's own neuroses. characters are projections of the author's psyche.

Psychoanalytic in context Using Cinderella… Consider Cinderella as a representative of the id —expressing desire. Consider the stepmother and stepsisters as representatives of the superego—preventing the id from fulfilling its desire. Consider the fairy godmother and the prince as representatives of the ego—negotiating between the id and the superego and allowing the desires of the id to be fulfilled in a socially acceptable manner.

Marxism Examines… economic power materialism versus spirituality class conflict art, literature, and ideologies

Marxism in context Using Cinderella… oppressed by her bourgeoisie stepmother and stepsisters, who have stolen her rightful inheritance and turned her into a servant in her own home desiring to join the ranks of the bourgeoisie by marrying the prince.

New Historicism Examines… the view that history is not the absolute rendition of societal events. the past is disputable and uncertain and may reveal heroic actions as nothing more than despotism. Key idea: The losers of history do not have the means to write their stories, nor is there usually an audience interested in hearing them. Most cultures, once dominated by another, are forcedto forget their past.

New Historicism in context Using Cinderella… What can we infer about the society in which this story—considering, especially, the violence and vengeance in the Grimm version—would evolve and be told to young children? What can we infer about property and inheritance laws in the society in which “Cinderella” evolved? What can we infer about the society’s view of royalty and monarchic power?

Sources Abrams, M.H. "Marxist Criticism." A Glossary of Literary Terms. 7th ed. Fort Worth: Harcourt Brace College Publishers, Abrams, M.H. "Psychological and Psychoanalytic Criticism." A Glossary of Literary Terms. 7th ed. Fort Worth: Harcourt Brace College Publishers, Barnet, Sylvan. A Short Guide to Writing About Literature. Harper Collins: New York, Belton, Robert. “Words of Art: Front Page.” Okanagan University College. Posted Accessed November Murfin, Ross, and Supryia M. Ray. The Bedford Glossary of Critical and Literary Terms. Boston: Bedford Books, 1997.