Demonstrate the ability to implement recommended mobility techniques and resolve architectural barriers in the educational setting SpEd 417/517 Course Objective:
Positioning Locomotion Manipulation Oral-motor functions Visual-motor functions Auditory functions Positioning Locomotion Manipulation Oral-motor functions Visual-motor functions Auditory functions Mobility/Sensory Functions Reference: The Syracuse Community-Referenced Curriculum Guide Ford, et. al Reference: The Syracuse Community-Referenced Curriculum Guide Ford, et. al. 1989
Assume and maintain positions for participation (consider typical position for task, environment, opportunities for social interaction, student age, and motor skills) Maintain health, by alternating positions (consider optimal position for safety, respiration, digestion, preventing deformity, and pressure sores Maintain and improve postural control Assume and maintain positions for participation (consider typical position for task, environment, opportunities for social interaction, student age, and motor skills) Maintain health, by alternating positions (consider optimal position for safety, respiration, digestion, preventing deformity, and pressure sores Maintain and improve postural control Positioning Functions
Head upright trunk upright trunk slightly reclined lying on stomach, propped on arms Laying prone supine Sitting side sitting taylor or ring sitting long sitting Hands and knees Kneeling Standing Head upright trunk upright trunk slightly reclined lying on stomach, propped on arms Laying prone supine Sitting side sitting taylor or ring sitting long sitting Hands and knees Kneeling Standing Positioning Skill Sequence
Travel from one location to another (consider typical mobility for activity and environment, student age and motor skills, efficiency Maintain health through exercise Travel from one location to another (consider typical mobility for activity and environment, student age and motor skills, efficiency Maintain health through exercise Locomotion Functions
Rolling without trunk rotation with trunk rotation Crawling on stomach Creeping Knee-walking Walking Climbing stairs up, step to step, step over step down, step to step step over step Rolling without trunk rotation with trunk rotation Crawling on stomach Creeping Knee-walking Walking Climbing stairs up, step to step, step over step down, step to step step over step Locomotion Skill Sequence
Reaching for materials Stabilize/support body parts Grasp/release materials Squeeze, point, hold, turn, place, throw, catch, etc. Reaching for materials Stabilize/support body parts Grasp/release materials Squeeze, point, hold, turn, place, throw, catch, etc. Manipulation Functions
Reach Prop on arms - push Retrieve - pull Grasp Gross/palmer grasp Lateral grasp Three-finger grasp Pincer grasp Point Release Twist Reach Prop on arms - push Retrieve - pull Grasp Gross/palmer grasp Lateral grasp Three-finger grasp Pincer grasp Point Release Twist Manipulation Skill Sequence
Ingest liquids/foods Hydration Socialization Nutrition Break-off piece of food Grind food to size/consistency to swallow easily Communication Ingest liquids/foods Hydration Socialization Nutrition Break-off piece of food Grind food to size/consistency to swallow easily Communication Oral-Motor Functions
Swallowing Drinking (sucking or sipping) From cup From straw Eating Spoon eating Biting Chewing Speaking Swallowing Drinking (sucking or sipping) From cup From straw Eating Spoon eating Biting Chewing Speaking Oral Motor Skill Sequence
Receive information Monitor own manipulation of materials Communicate choices Find people, places, materials in environment Find obstacles in environment View selection of choices Follow activity Reading Receive information Monitor own manipulation of materials Communicate choices Find people, places, materials in environment Find obstacles in environment View selection of choices Follow activity Reading Visual Functions
Fixing gaze Orienting, shifting gaze, scanning Tracking Fixing gaze Orienting, shifting gaze, scanning Tracking Visual Skill Sequence
Receive information Discriminate auditory sources Respond to safety inputs Aid in communication Follow routines Sooth mind/body Receive information Discriminate auditory sources Respond to safety inputs Aid in communication Follow routines Sooth mind/body Auditory Functions
Location near source of input Receive sound input through outer ear Moves through middle ear bones Moves into inner ear and reflects of the tympanic membrane Signal sent through cochlea to auditory nerve Interpret sound input Location near source of input Receive sound input through outer ear Moves through middle ear bones Moves into inner ear and reflects of the tympanic membrane Signal sent through cochlea to auditory nerve Interpret sound input Auditory Skill Sequence
School Home Living Community Vocational Recreational/Leisure School Home Living Community Vocational Recreational/Leisure Architectural Barriers
School buildings grounds Pavement Terrain of school yard Playground Entrance School buildings grounds Pavement Terrain of school yard Playground Entrance School Barriers
Building destinations Entrance doors Hallways Doorways/Doors Stairs Bathrooms Building destinations Entrance doors Hallways Doorways/Doors Stairs Bathrooms School Barriers
Classroom Seating Access to materials Moving around in the classroom Presentation tools Classroom Seating Access to materials Moving around in the classroom Presentation tools School Barriers
Other settings Library Music room Gymnasium Lunchroom Therapy room Other settings Library Music room Gymnasium Lunchroom Therapy room School Barriers
Yard access Driveway/sidewalk Entry/doors Hallways Living room furnishings Kitchen Bathroom Bedroom Yard access Driveway/sidewalk Entry/doors Hallways Living room furnishings Kitchen Bathroom Bedroom Home Living Barriers
Buildings and grounds Entries Interior mobility Transportation entry seating duration of travel Buildings and grounds Entries Interior mobility Transportation entry seating duration of travel Community Barriers
Parking lot Entry Negotiating work environment Access to work station Access to equipment/materials Parking lot Entry Negotiating work environment Access to work station Access to equipment/materials Vocational Barriers
Access to physical environment Ability to participate in activities independently Need for adapted equipment Leveling the playing field Access to physical environment Ability to participate in activities independently Need for adapted equipment Leveling the playing field Recreation/Leisure Barriers
Choose a location on campus that is frequented by many students throughout the week Complete an accessibility checklist for the location on campus Return completed checklist to class Choose a location on campus that is frequented by many students throughout the week Complete an accessibility checklist for the location on campus Return completed checklist to class Barrier Activity