Manager’s Meeting October 21, 2008
Agenda Vendor presentations Supervalu –CMAP’s –Slotting –Scandowns –Clip Strip program “Your Turn to Brag” –Meat department initiatives –Expense controls Update on the company initiatives
+ 3.67%
Scandown Credits
What’s taking place Halloween store in Uniontown Mall Everyday’s a Party stores open –Morgantown –Johnstown Reset at Cheat Lake –Enhanced wine section –More open space in the produce dept. –Lower profile of interior grocery aisles South Fairmont remodel Jan 2009
Driving Sales Shop ‘n Save ad is still the key driver –Support the ads –Merchandise around the features –Be ready for the 2 day events Monthly in-store flyers – store brand and ours –Get customers use to looking for it – make sure the item ad is on the item Cereal club in WV –Get the signs in the cereal aisles and on the cereal displays
Driving Sales Thanksgiving continuity –Promotion runs October 16 through November 12 – coupon expires Nov 26 Mall gift cards for PA stores and Cheat Lake – don’t be caught short of cards – this is a hot category and holiday sales will be extremely high. Good consistent operating standards Creative and eye catching “WOW” displays
Recap of Expense Controls Turning off ovens and other equipment when not in use Case cleaning on a monthly schedule Floor crews – time, equipment, materials Eliminating trash liners in offices Bag controls – save one bag per customer results in $80,000 a year in savings Turn down thermostat 2 degrees = 20% savings Keep doors closed Vendor invoices Repairs and maintenance Reducing turnover Using old supplies Uniform use Proper training on new hires – re-train others Box cutters
Next Meeting November 18 –Clover Hill to provide lunch Topics of discussion –Holiday plans and promotions –Expense control initiatives What are you focusing on? How are you measuring the impact? How are you sharing the information – internally and with your fellow manager’s?