Session 4: PREPARE FOR TESTS Year 7 Life Skills Student Wall Planner and Study Guide
The first thing to do … Goals Setting from the beginning of the year... How are we going? Did you take them seriously ? Did you reach your targets? Do we need to reassess our goals for next semesters? Were they realistic? Are they measurable/ specific enough?
Goal Setting examples… I am going to write out all my definitions for Science into a exercise book. I will set aside 1 hour a week – on Tuesdays from 4 – 5 pm and Thursdays 7 – 8 pm for doing specific study for Maths.
Study Schedule – Programme Yes in Year 7 you must be prepared to do more than just your homework. Sorry this is what high school is all about !!! This means plan study periods for each subject. Remember … “Studying is an action” It requires thinking and reflecting on what you are learning.
Start your preparation NOW! Don’t let the mountain get too big! Start chipping away now! Do something ! Commit to the programme you set up. Don’t delay or stress. Don’t let things build up before the test.
Your study area needs to: Be a quiet area of your home that is clean and tidy. Have no distractions This means NO... Computers Mobiles phones Play station /Xbox Radios No iPods!!!!! Get support from your family and friends. Let them give you the space to get on with it!! Your Home and Study Environment
Review the Full Course Review the course objectives and complete the revision sheets given to you. Make up a checklist of what to learn. Ask your teacher what they feel is important to go over Listen for hints!!!!
More Tips… Write out definitions Talk about the work and explain the ideas to someone else. Maintain effective notes – colour code different types of information. Make up a study group – this is one of the most effective means to learning. Why?
What is a study group? A group of your friends or class mates that meet regularly to … Do some study on a subject. Compare notes. Discuss issues/ difficult topics related to the course. Help each other when doing assignments but not to copy. Very effective study mechanism that comes more important as you get older.
Performance Tips and Other Advice Put your notes into other forms, such as … A concept map A table to compare/contrast Venn diagrams that allows you to compare and contrast Diagrams Colour code important info
Example of a Concept Map
Do you need help? Never be scared to asked from your teacher. Believe it or not teachers think its great when students come up and ask for help! It makes them feel wanted. “Sorry but you must see them before the test - mobile phones are not allowed in tests and exams!!!.”
Remember to get a really good mark, you need to go below the surface. Read around about your subject or topic – the Library/Internet are good sources
The Night Before Do not spend the night before doing last minute cramming. Be relaxed - just go over areas of the course you feel may need a second look. Do a couple of past paper questions Look through revision sheets A prayer may help!! Get a good nights sleep!!
The Day Arrives - Are you prepared? Be focused! Go for it and Be Positive! Be Confident. Set your mind, body and heart. You can do it! I hope you did some study!
Here we go… Lets see what Mr Bean does? Please view video on YouTube using the following link:
During the Examination It is vital that you read the instructions carefully. Not like Mr Bean!!
If you are finding the exam challenging Then usually every one else is also. Do not give up. Maintain your efforts until the end. Give it a try and attempt to answer all questions the best you can.
Do not spend too much time on one question. Make sure you finish the test. Have an answer for each question. The Test
Handy Hints Read every question carefully. What is the question really asking me? Is the question asking to describe or explain? There is a difference. Look for hints about the correct answer. Look at other items on the test. Do not change your initial answer unless you are sure another answer is truly correct.
It is essential to show your workings or explain your understandings. In essays and short answer questions directional words are used. EG. compare / contrast/ describe. It is often useful to include diagrams /tables in your extended answers. Handy Hints continued…
Hints for Multiple Choice Tests Never leave a multiple choice question unanswered, unless there is a penalty for wrong responses. At worse… Guess! Circle or underline important words in the question. Read all the choices before selecting one. Cross out answers you are certain are not correct.
Hints for Short Answer Questions If a question is worth 2 marks then mention two points. Read the question carefully and fully. Pause and think before you start writing. Ask: Am I actually answering the question? Explain fully.
Use the Full Time! People who finish early are either geniuses or fools.
Most exams are constructed to be finished just before the time limit. If you should finish early you can always check over your work again and again! Re-reading sections will help you see and correct careless errors. Don’t just sit there – all this says is that you don’t really care!!! Use the Full Time
During the Examination It is a good idea to occasionally: Stretch fingers and hands Roll your shoulders and Stretch your neck. But don’t distract others !!!
Oh Yes… Make sure you give yourself enough time to finish the exam! There is nothing worse than having five minutes to go and you still have two questions to do!
Remember… Examinations are often worth a large percentage of your final mark, therefore it is very important to develop your examination strategies.
Finally… Remember three things: 1. Be prepared 2. Be confident 3. Be Determined Good Luck