1 WLTP-DTP- E-LabProc-005 Test Procedure for Electrified Vehicles presented by Japan 24&25 November 2010.


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Presentation transcript:

1 WLTP-DTP- E-LabProc-005 Test Procedure for Electrified Vehicles presented by Japan 24&25 November 2010

2 WLTP-DTP- E-LabProc-005 I.Overview of gtr Contents II.Japanese Positions on Top7(+1) OILs III.Comparison of EV Range Test and Japanese Proposals IV.Introduction of SAE J1634 Draft Contents

3 WLTP-DTP- E-LabProc-005 I. Overview of gtr Contents 1.Definitions related electrified vehicles 1.1. Vehicle Category BEV : HEV : FCHV : 1.2. Type of Battery Charge OVC : NOVC : 1.3. Test Mode CD : CS : 1.4. Others

4 WLTP-DTP- E-LabProc Overview of Test Procedure BEV HEVFCHV OVCNOVCOVCNOVC Vehicle Run-In Develop the Battery break-in procedure *1 Follow ICE*1Follow ICE Preparation Develop unique test procedure in case that ICE procedure doesn’t fit for the electrified vehicles. (i.e. road-load setting, etc) Pre-Conditioning Develop the Battery pre- conditioning procedure *2 Follow ICE*2Follow ICE Battery Charge -- CD Test EV Range Electric Energy Emission Fuel Consumption OVC Range Electric Energy - FC Consumption FC Range Electric Energy - CS Test - Emission Fuel Consumption SOC Compensation Emission Fuel Consumption SOC Compensation FC Consumption Emission Worst Test - Emission ---

5 WLTP-DTP- E-LabProc Unique Measurement Items and Specification ParameterUnitAccuracyResolution TimesFollow ICE requirement DistancemFollow ICE requirement TemperatureCFollow ICE requirement Vehicle Speedkm/hFollow ICE requirement MasskgFollow ICE requirement EnergyWh Electricity BalanceAh

6 WLTP-DTP- E-LabProc Unique Procedure before Testing 4.1. Battery Initial Break-In Procedure break-in distance for battery necessity of unique break-in procedure for OVC type vehicle (battery and other power sources) 4.2. Determination of the Road Load Power develop road load determination procedure for the vehicles with no mechanical neutral position usage of table R/L setting value 4.3. Battery Pre-Conditioning necessity of additional driving for EV/OVC range test necessity of battery discharge procedure before vehicle pre-conditioning atmospheric conditions during battery discharge

7 WLTP-DTP- E-LabProc Battery Charge 5.1. Normal Overnight Charge Procedure necessity of discharge process before charge charge method, on board charger or external charger ambient conditions 5.2. End of Charge Criteria specific duration or instrumental indication need to consider the completion timing to match the soak duration 5.3. Limit of Charge Duration should be equal or less than maximum soak duration necessity of additional limit criteria, like

8 WLTP-DTP- E-LabProc CD Test 6.1. General duration criteria between battery charge completion and CD test start definition of transient cycle 6.2. Emission / Fuel Consumption treatment of transient cycle for OVC type HEV 6.3. EV (OVC) Range Test end of range test criteria for BEV consider the shorten procedure for BEV treatment of transient cycle for OVC type HEV 6.4. Energy Consumption charge start timing after completion of discharge driving end of charge completion criteria

9 WLTP-DTP- E-LabProc CS Test 7.1. Pre-Conditioning battery stable driving (manufacture recommended) before pre-conditioning for OVC type HEV 7.2. Emission /Fuel Consumption compensation of electricity balance for (emission and) fuel consumption for HEV necessity of electricity balance compensation for OVC type HEV (if no, 7.3 must be required) necessity of electricity balance criteria for test validity 7.3. Energy Consumption necessity of battery charge energy measurement after CS test (if no, 7.2 second “ ” must be required)

10 WLTP-DTP- E-LabProc Emission Worst Test For OVC type HEV, the calculation formula of the emission results are differ among EU/US/JPN regulation. EU : EM TOTAL = Combined EM CD and EM CS/HOT by range weighting EM = independent each cycle US : EM CD = Combined EM FIRST ENG ON CYCLE and EM FOLLOWING TWO CYCLES EM CS = Combined EM CS/COLD and EM CS/HOT JPN : EM TOTAL = Combined Worst EM COLD (include Additional Test) and EM CS/HOT CD TestCS Test Cycle #1 Cold Hot Cycle #2 Cycle #3 Cycle #4 ENG ON Additional Test Cold ENG ON ( US and JPN) ……

11 WLTP-DTP- E-LabProc Calculation 9.1. Emission compensate based on electricity balance for HEV worst emission or combined* emission for OVC type HEV 9.2. Fuel Consumption compensate based on electricity balance for HEV combined* fuel consumption for OVC type HEV 9.3. EV (OVC) Range cycle unit or equivalent all electric range (km unit) for OVC type HEV 9.4. Energy Consumption combined* energy consumption for OVC type HEV not convert to equivalent CO 2 value *) “combined” with CD and CS test results weighted by utility factor

12 WLTP-DTP- E-LabProc Appendix Utility Factor describe how to develop the utility factor for OVC type HEV develop the harmonized utility factor for OVC type HEV, if necessary Compensation of Electricity Balance develop the test procedure for HEV exempt criteria of electricity balance compensation

13 WLTP-DTP- E-LabProc-005 II. Japanese Positions on Top7(+1) OILs -1 ItemJapanese Positions UF UF which is reflected actual market situation should be introduced and calculation method of should be aligned between EU/Japan/US. New UF in EU is expected to be developed based on calculation method SOC compensation for CO2/Fuel consumption For CS mode, it is necessary to compensate the CO2/fuel consumption based on SOC balance to obtain correct value. (for CD mode, no need to compensate) Shorten the test procedure for EV range Current requirement (full charge to empty) is basic procedure. As an option, need to adapt the shorten procedure to reduce testing burden (i. e. SAE J1634) CO2 compensation for range test (OVC HEV) Equivalent all electric range should be applied. To do so, Japanese regulation might be base language as latest one.

14 WLTP-DTP- E-LabProc-005 ItemJapanese Positions Energy consumption Japan accept to add battery temperature requirements. Test conditions (e.g. -7deg, 25deg) should be same as ICE requirement. R/L Fundamental procedure should be developed in DTP-ICE. In case of the vehicle with no mechanical neutral, apply the method approved by technical authority. WF WF for each cycle phase will be developed in DHC. DHC work should also include how to handle the vehicles which have difficulty to follow the prescribed cycle. This WF should be applied also to electrified vehicles. Emission worst test Japanese regulation require the additional testing under several initial SOC conditions for OVC type HEV. This makes sure that worst emission level comply with emission standard. II. Japanese Positions on Top7(+1) OILs -2

15 WLTP-DTP- E-LabProc-005 III. Comparison of EV Range Test and Japanese Proposals -1 Regulation and Standard EUUSAJPN ECE101SAE J1634TRIAS ProposalExplanation Run-in Mileage 300km or more1000mile or more300km or more Same as TRIAS Conditions Within a week before testing With the manufacturer's recommended method With main BAT on- boarded Same as TRIAS Coastdown Testing Regeneration function Shift Gear box to Neutral, or turn off the power (stop supplying power to PT) During Coast Down testing, Vehicle Regenerative Braking should be disabled For the vehicle which can not shift to neutral, coast with no electric braking. For the vehicle which can not shift to neutral, coast down test shall be done with no electric braking. (manufacturer's recommended method) A basic idea is common Dyno. L/Set Warm-up condition No Description No need to regulate - Implementatio n Method Perform without Regenerative Function For the vehicle which can not change gear to neutral, coast with no electric braking. For the vehicle which can not shift to neutral, coast down test shall be done with no electric braking. (manufacturer's recommended method) A basic idea is common Pre- conditioning Drive Mode No Regulation No need to regulate - Discharge Driving before Test Driving Condition Discharge driving with 70±5% of Max. speed which can be drive continuously for 30min No Regulation Discharge until manufacturer's recommended level. In ECE R101, measurement of 30min Max. Speed is required, it would be complicated

16 WLTP-DTP- E-LabProc-005 III. Comparison of EV Range Test and Japanese Proposals -2 Regulation and Standard EUUSAJPN ECE101SAE J1634TRIAS ProposalExplanation Soak & Charge Temperature Requirement Indoor : 20 ~ 30°C Outdoor : 5 ~ 32°C Indoor :20 ~ 30°C 5 ~ 32°C : Environment condition for charging 20 ~ 30°C : (No regulation for outdoor) Same as SAE (Consider stability of Battery status during testing, exclude Outdoor soak because temperature will not be the same for outdoor and indoor.) Charging Method Manufacturer's recommended Common Charging Time Stop with 12Hours More than 12 Hr, Less than 36Hr No time requirement for charging before drive Soak Time; 12 Hr or more, less than 36Hr Charging Time; Stop with full- charged. Note that, Upper limit for charging time is 36Hr Soak time; adapt to conv. vehicle Charging time; should be adapted to re-charging time after driving Other count method for more than 12 hours is defined. Range Measurement (Full-testing) Mode NEDC (Run out of power) LA4/HWY (Run out of power) JC08 (Run out of power) WLTP Integration Mode - Time from Charging completed determination Within 4 hours from Plug OFF Within 1 hour from Plug OFF Within 24 hours after charge completion Within 1 hour after charge completion For stability of condition before testing Drive Start Condition Cold Start Start testing without warm-up Cold StartCommon Interruption Condition Three interruptions are permitted between test sequences, of no more than 15 minutes in total. 10 min soak, during mode 3 min or less Interruption is possible for 30min or more driving Less than 3 mins interruption is possible for every one cycle. During Interruption, main power may be OFF. It is based on TRIAS. if considering hard- pressed to driver, 1 cycle is better

17 WLTP-DTP- E-LabProc-005 III. Comparison of EV Range Test and Japanese Proposals -3 Regulation and Standard EUUSAJPN ECE101SAE J1634TRIAS ProposalExplanation Range Measurement (Full-testing) Test Termination Condition With target vehicle speed is 50km/h or more, in this case real speed is 50km/h or less with target vehicle speed is 50km/h or less, in this case 5 sec or more deviation, or 6 or more deviation within 1 hour 2 sec or more deviation from tolerance range When vehicle stop indicator is issued by main battery remaining capacity warning device, or because of lack of capacity in main battery remaining level, unable to continue driving state within tolerance and exceed 4 sec. Under the discussion Stop condition Accel OFF, and press braking pedal when 5km/h or lower to stop To terminate driving, press braking pedal to stop vehicle Accel OFF, and press braking pedal when 5km/h or lower to stop Same as ECE Authenticated Cruising Range Mileage where vehicle stopped When deviate the tolerance Mileage where vehicle stopped Same as ECE/TRIAS Electric Power consumption measurement ( Perform after cruising range full-test ) Charge Start time Within 1 hour after run out of power Within 2 hours after run out of power Within 1 hour after run out of power Same as SAE Termination judgment No Regulation Until full-charged state but upper limit is 24 hours Until full-charged state But Max. 36 hours Upper limit of charging time should be adjusted to the upper limit of charging before cruising range measurement test

18 WLTP-DTP- E-LabProc-005 III. Comparison of EV Range Test and Japanese Proposals -4 Regulation and Standard EUUSAJPN ECE101SAE J1634TRIAS ProposalExplanation Electric Power Consumption Measurement ( Short Test ) Discharge Driving for Charging before driving Discharge driving with Max. speed 70±5% which can be drive continuously for 30min Not regulated independent testing method for power consumption Study cruising range and power consumption reduction method. As one reference example, introduce SAE J1634 overview. When one of them is satisfied; ・ Unable to drive with 65% of above vehicle speed ・ Stop Caution Lamp light up ・ 100km Drive Mode NEDC x2 Charg Start time Within 30 min after NEDC driving Charge completion time Within 24 hours after before-driving charging completion

19 WLTP-DTP- E-LabProc-005 IV. Introduction of SAE J1634 Draft -1 SAE J1634 revision is considered for the purpose of the test efficiency of EV. The procedure of “Abbreviated” as reduction of the test day is the followings. 1st: DC energy consumption test 2nd: Battery capacity test 3rd: Charge test Mode DrivingDischarge Constant Speed DC energy * measured as UBE AC energy measured as BRE Start charging Drive range measured Vehicle DC Energy * cycle Next day Start driving with full charged The method of steady speed driving for battery capacity test is following. Start vehicle and accelerate to 55mph within 30 sec Hold constant speed for 50 min, then stop and key-off vehicle. Soak for 10 minutes Repeat above sequence until either: Vehicle cannot maintain a speed within 2 mph of hold speed for more than 2 sec Vehicle indicates limited performance or zero-charge operation Once test termination has been reached, decelerate to a stop within 30 sec *) DC energy measurement battery power outlet point) require special equipment

20 WLTP-DTP- E-LabProc-005 IV. Introduction of SAE J1634 Draft -2 The equation of each value are the followings as MCFD. MCFD Range cycle = UBE Vehicle DC Energy cycle x Distance Driven cycle MCFD Recharge Energy cycle = Vehicle DC Energy cycle CEF CEF = UBE (Vehicle DC Energy from full-depletion test) BRE (AC Charge Energy from full-depletion test) MCFD AC Energy Consumption cycle = MCFD Recharge Energy cycle Distance Driven cycle MCFD : Multi Cycle Full Depletion Steady speed test is considered as the full-depletion test.