Additional materials to be used for resolving the case: Risk Analysis DISEASE RISK AFTER AN IMPORTATION OF MILKING COWSDISEASE RISK AFTER AN IMPORTATION OF MILKING COWS Case study – Animal importation: risk analysis
Background info A milking cow farm of very high production standards. It performs genetic selection for improving production. High sanitary level; it has a certification of absence of EU declared diseases 1500 animals in the farm The need to increase the population by 10% arises (the age of the animals in the farm starts to be high and also inbreeding problems have to be avoided)
Planning for the restocking Before this situation, the breeder decides to restock through the importation of animals from a nearby country. For this, he consults the animal health authorities of his country regarding the aspects he has to take into account. The sanitary authority indicates two factors to be considered from the sanitary point of view: Public and Animal health
Veterinary intervention, I With this initial information, considering that you are the veterinarian responsible: What is the procedure you propose from this moment onwards? According to your advice a RISK ANALYSIS IS DEVELOPED for this importation (the farm of origin is in an area near to Germany and the destination is Spain) [CHANGE THE COUNTRIES WITH THOSE OF INTEREST ACCORDING TO TO THE COUNTRY OF THOSE WHO HAVE TO SOLVE THE PROBLEM] Q.1- Which diseases will be considered as fundamental in this Risk Analysis? Q.2- Which factors do you consider will be part of the hypothesis when designing a Risk Analysis?
Veterinary intervention, II Starting with this hypothesis; Q.3- Which are the risks that diseases could be introduced in the farm and therefore in the country? Organize an information tree and perform the risk analysis from a qualitative point of view. The sanitary authorities of the destination country (Spain) ask you, according to an animal movement traceability criteria, to design a prevention programme for the entrance of potential diseases in order to approve the importation. Q.4- Which points do you think should be included in the preventive medicine programme for these diseases?
Suppose that once the importation has been carried out and after having introduced the new animals in the destination farm in Spain an ALLARM MESSAGE of the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) arrives informing that cases of TUBERCULOSIS have been detected in varius farms in the zone from which the importations have been carried out. Q.5- What should the immediate action protocol be at this moment in the destination country (Spain) regarding the measures of preventive medicine and sanitary policy? Veterinary intervention, III
Diagnosis is carried out and various positive animals are confirmed; Q.6- Which risks, from the point of view of Public and Animal health, treating the potential disease pose and which measures would you suggest for both situations? Veterinary intervention, IV Case study developed by the SAPUVETNET II partner, Faculty Veterinary Medicine, University of Zaragoza Contact: Carmelo Ortega