The network of Slovenian public libraries Maja Žumer University of Ljubljana Slovenia
10 November 2005 IFLA WSIS pre-conference 2 What is a ‘library’? organisation organisation collections collections services services librarians librarians building building place place
10 November 2005 IFLA WSIS pre-conference 3 The public library “Provides access to knowledge, information and works of the imagination through a range of resources and services and is equally available to all members of the community regardless of race, nationality, age, gender, religion, language, disability, economic or employment status and educational attainment.” (IFLA/UNESCO Guidelines, 2001)
10 November 2005 IFLA WSIS pre-conference 4 physical environment vs. organised virtual information space
10 November 2005 IFLA WSIS pre-conference 5 ‘Third places’ Physical places which enable human contact and social experience outside of the home (‘first place’) and workplace or school (‘second places’) Locations where people gather and talk about things which are important to them.
10 November 2005 IFLA WSIS pre-conference 6 Libraries as ‘third places’ Tradition of focus on community Tradition of focus on community Enriching public life and democracy Enriching public life and democracy Is this role endangered when services are provided on the Web?
10 November 2005 IFLA WSIS pre-conference 7 The effect of Internet (different views) Isolating individuals and decreasing interpersonal relationships Isolating individuals and decreasing interpersonal relationships Online community networks strengthen physical communities Online community networks strengthen physical communities
10 November 2005 IFLA WSIS pre-conference 8 Public library Web sites Extension of library collections and resources through licensed and/or digitised content Extension of library collections and resources through licensed and/or digitised content Gateway service through public access workstations Gateway service through public access workstations Interaction of customers with the library Interaction of customers with the library Digital services (e.g. digital reference) Digital services (e.g. digital reference)
10 November 2005 IFLA WSIS pre-conference 9 Research A lot of research reports, mostly description and evaluation of various aspects Some (critical) findings: Libraries are still primarily seen as suppliers of printed information Libraries are still primarily seen as suppliers of printed information Web sites are used by a small percentage of patrons Web sites are used by a small percentage of patrons Most Web sites are very basic Most Web sites are very basic Public libraries are not utilising enough the potential of Internet Public libraries are not utilising enough the potential of Internet The competition may take over The competition may take over
10 November 2005 IFLA WSIS pre-conference 10 Slovenia Independent from 1991 Independent from M inhabitants, km² 2 M inhabitants, km²
10 November 2005 IFLA WSIS pre-conference 11 Long tradition of public libraries First document in Slovenian: Freising manuscripts in 10th century First document in Slovenian: Freising manuscripts in 10th century First printed book in 1551 (Primož Trubar) First printed book in 1551 (Primož Trubar) First public library in 1569 (Primož Trubar) First public library in 1569 (Primož Trubar) Discontinued until late 18th century (Enlightment) Discontinued until late 18th century (Enlightment) 450 libraries with books in the mid- 19th century 450 libraries with books in the mid- 19th century
10 November 2005 IFLA WSIS pre-conference 12 Slovenian public libraries now 61 libraries with 179 branches, 11 buses 61 libraries with 179 branches, 11 buses 374 circulation points, 658 bus stops 374 circulation points, 658 bus stops 80% of planned ‘ideal’ situation 80% of planned ‘ideal’ situation 27% membership, but 48% under 15 27% membership, but 48% under 15 Single organisational network Single organisational network 10 regional libraries: coordination10 regional libraries: coordination Funded by local community and Ministry of cultureFunded by local community and Ministry of culture National Centre for Library Development at National and University LibraryNational Centre for Library Development at National and University Library
10 November 2005 IFLA WSIS pre-conference 13 Automation Relatively well equipped with IT (0.5 computer per 1000 inhabitants) Relatively well equipped with IT (0.5 computer per 1000 inhabitants) Automated, using COBISS software (IZUM, Maribor) Automated, using COBISS software (IZUM, Maribor) Active partners in Slovenian union catalogue Active partners in Slovenian union catalogue Web sites Web sites
10 November 2005 IFLA WSIS pre-conference 14 Web sites Two studies: The original study in 2002 The original study in 2002 Repeated in 2004 Repeated in 2004
10 November 2005 IFLA WSIS pre-conference 15 The first study (dr. Silva Novljan) Performed by second year students Performed by second year students Verifying the content Verifying the content Focus on the mission of the public library Focus on the mission of the public library Guidelines Guidelines
10 November 2005 IFLA WSIS pre-conference 16 Main focus Unique identity, perceived local needs, needs expressed by the community Unique identity, perceived local needs, needs expressed by the community Showing the mission and goal, emphasising their comparative advantages in selection and access to information resources Showing the mission and goal, emphasising their comparative advantages in selection and access to information resources Enabling the users to use the Web for independent problem solving Enabling the users to use the Web for independent problem solving Promoting information literacy of the community Promoting information literacy of the community
10 November 2005 IFLA WSIS pre-conference 17 Typical content found General information on the library, operation and services General information on the library, operation and services Library collection and information sources Library collection and information sources Electronic resources Electronic resources Communication with the library Communication with the library Events and other programmes Events and other programmes
10 November 2005 IFLA WSIS pre-conference 18 Critical findings Information often unrelated to the mission, incomplete/outdated Information often unrelated to the mission, incomplete/outdated Libraries do not emphasise their comparative advantages Libraries do not emphasise their comparative advantages Inadequate presentation of electronic resources Inadequate presentation of electronic resources Only three libraries offer a basic information literacy programme Only three libraries offer a basic information literacy programme
10 November 2005 IFLA WSIS pre-conference 19 The second study Performed in 2004 as a bachelor’s thesis Performed in 2004 as a bachelor’s thesis The same framework The same framework Verification of implementation of guidelines Verification of implementation of guidelines
10 November 2005 IFLA WSIS pre-conference 20 Findings Some positive changes Some positive changes More complete information More complete information Problems: Problems: Incomplete information on collections (periodicals!)Incomplete information on collections (periodicals!) Electronic resourcesElectronic resources No user feedbackNo user feedback Little originality in content and design (copies of printed brochures!)Little originality in content and design (copies of printed brochures!) Outdated informationOutdated information
10 November 2005 IFLA WSIS pre-conference 21 Reasons Lack of resources Lack of resources Knowledge and professional confidence Knowledge and professional confidenceCooperation: Content provision instead of identical copies Content provision instead of identical copies Sharing of information literacy programmes Sharing of information literacy programmes
10 November 2005 IFLA WSIS pre-conference 22 Conclusions Substantial progress, but room for improvement Substantial progress, but room for improvement Web sites built from the library perspective instead of the user’s point of view Web sites built from the library perspective instead of the user’s point of view Importance of a well designed Web site Importance of a well designed Web site Support the traditional role of the library and augment it with the use of technology Support the traditional role of the library and augment it with the use of technology
10 November 2005 IFLA WSIS pre-conference 23 The goal Follow the mission and remove obstacles to general availability of information “Libraries and information services provide essential gateways to the Internet. For some they offer convenience, guidance, and assistance, while for others they are the only available access points. They provide a mechanism to overcome the barriers created by differences in resources, technology, and training.” (IFLA Internet Manifesto)