H OLLAND H IGH S CHOOL C OUNSELORS Students with last name “A –De” Suzanne Hemmeke (A-B) and Bethany Nichols (C-De) Students with last name “Di-K” Robyn Emde Students with last name “L-R” Rebecca Siegel Students with last name “S-Z” Karen Legg New Tech Students Dana Loveland
C OLLEGE P LANNING A DVISOR Mrs. Celina Flegal Working especially with students who are part of the first generation in their family to go to college. Helping with… College Selection Applications Financial Aid Scholarships Transcript Request ACT/SAT Registration
S ENIOR C REDIT C HECKS Credit checks were mailed to homes in August. It is important to review your credit check. All requirements must be completed by graduation on May 20, 2016.
P LANNING FOR LIFE AFTER HIGH SCHOOL College? Career? Creating a plan…
F INDING THE RIGHT COLLEGES Attend College Fairs- Oct. Hope College DeVos Fieldhouse from 6:30-8:00 Oct. 15 Grand Rapids Bilingual College Fair Research college websites & college guides Visit campuses –check the admissions offices websites Overnight/Comprehensive Visits Meet with college reps at lunch Sign- up book in the Counseling Center **A pass will be sent the day before the visit Field Trips for Campus Visits Meet with your counselor or College Advisor
4 YEAR C OLLEGE VS 2 Y EAR C OLLEGE 4 Year College Earn a bachelors degree in science (biology, computer, engineering) or arts (English, history, drama) Examples: Hope College, GVSU, Michigan State 2 Year College (also known as community college or junior college) Earn an associates degree or certificate Examples: Grand Rapids Community College, Lake Michigan College Vocational or Technical School Most programs last 2 years or less Earn a certificate to practice a trade Examples: Booker Institute of Cosmetology, M-Tech.
C OMMUNITY C OLLEGE I NFORMATION 1. A second chance to attend a 4-year college 2. Desiring additional academic support/intervention 3. $$$ 4. Free application 5. Opportunity to live at home and work 6. 2 year/Associates degrees 7. Placement tests
S AMPLE M ICHIGAN P UBLIC C OLLEGES SchoolGPAACT U of M3.85 (95% accepted are in the top 10 th of class) MSU GVSU Central Michigan University Western Michigan University Northern Michigan University GRCC2.018 Michigan Tech Oakland University
S AMPLE M ICHIGAN P RIVATE C OLLEGES CollegeGPAACT Hope College Calvin College Albion College Alma College Aquinas College Cornerstone University Kalamazoo College
M ILITARY OPTIONS Check with Recruiters for Details of each branch of service Recruiters visit during the lunch periods on a regular basis (see schedule) Many options for service including serving while attending college programs
W HAT IF A C OLLEGE E DUCATION IS NOT IN MY PLANS NOW ? Local Business Career Networking Fair (time/location tbd) Resume Assistance Co-Op Education Opportunities M-Tec Programs
C OLLEGE A PPLICATIONS Organization is the Key to success!
W HAT SCHOOLS DO I APPLY TO ? The average student applies to 3-4 colleges Consider applying for a “safety”, “middle” and a “reach” school. The application fees can add up fast!
H OW DO I APPLY ? 1. Apply Online 2. Common Application may be accepted at various schools (U of M, Hope, Calvin, Kalamazoo) 3. Check if individual college requires that ACT or SAT scores be sent directly from the testing company Review requirements with the NCAA Clearing House (if applicable) 5. Check if there is a counselor form required. If so, enter the counselor or bring in form.
S TANDARDIZED T ESTING ACT ( Upcoming Test Dates – October 24, December 12 Students must register early! Should I retest? Sending ACT scores SAT, SAT II ( Upcoming test dates – November 7 Send applications even if you plan on retesting!!
O N S ITE A DMISSIONS O PPORTUNITIES Western Michigan University All Materials must be completed including… Printed application ACT scores/Transcript Application fee (or waiver)
A PPLICATION FAUX PAS Don’t forget to SIGN & DATE your application Only include what the college application requests Use an appropriate address Don’t use an like Watch your spelling & grammar – proof read!!! Be sure press SUBMIT if applying online Make a copy of your application
B E C AREFUL W ITH S OCIAL M EDIA ! **Information from schools.com and Kaplan
H OW DO I SEND A TEACHER RECOMMENDATION ? Ask an academic teacher – 2 weeks in advance Provide the activities form from the guidance office or a complete resume. Discuss with the teacher what is required and method of sending. Follow up with a thank you note. ONLY submit if colleges request a letter of recommendation from a teacher.
D EADLINES Prioritize – know the deadlines for all the schools you want to apply to Deadline for applications – shoot for October Students applying to U of M should complete their portion of the application and notify their counselor by Monday, Oct. 19 U of M and Hope applications should be turned in for Early Action.. Do Not trick or treat until your application is complete!!
S CHOLARSHIPS AND $ FOR C OLLEGE Never Rule out a school because of cost alone Net Price Calculators can give a picture of actual costs involved in the college (compare the costs) Be very open and honest in speaking with your child about finances as relative to college Apply early and be aware of all deadlines Review HHS scholarship handout Check for scholarships on college websites Organize scholarship due dates and requirements Check updates on “Scholarship News You Can Use” link on HPS website
F INANCIAL A ID FOR C OLLEGE Financial Aid – FAFSA After January 1, 2016 and before March 1, 2016 Financial Aid Night 6:30) Be aware of scams!
Y OU ARE NOT DONE ….. Senior classes – many colleges want to see rigorous classes NOT an easy year! Keep your grades up – colleges can take back an acceptance based on your final transcript
T IMELINE FOR S ENIOR Y EAR September/October- Apply to Colleges/Community Colleges/Tech Schools: Complete applications online. Request your HHS transcript from Consider retaking your ACT in Sept, Oct., or Dec. Orient to scholarships and begin applying. Watch deadlines carefully. January/February- Apply for Financial Aid for college or network local business opportunities: Attend Financial Aid Workshop at HHS January 9 Complete your FAFSA- Free Application for Federal Student Aid before March 1. Attend Local Business Career Networking Fair March/April- Make Final Decisions: Receive financial award letters. Make your choice, send in your deposit to hold your spot. (decision made by May 1) **College visits may take place throughout the year… more comprehensive visits can be very helpful for schools that you are strongly considering.
Important Dates for Seniors, Class of 2016
E DMODO F OR P ARENTS A S A PARENT, WHAT CAN I SEE FROM MY E DMODO A CCOUNT ? Parents are able to see the following in their account (for their student only): Calendar notices Assignments due & late assignments Assignment comments (i.e. any feedback the teacher provides on their assignment) Grades Messages sent by the teacher that are directed to parents Direct messages their child’s teacher has sent to their child (or vice versa) Their child’s teachers and their Edmodo profile Apps the teacher has installed that include parent access Parents are not able to see the following in their account: Messages that teachers post to their student’s groups (unless directed to parents) Teacher communities Other student’s posts, replies, grades or assignments Library/backpack items or shared folders
For updates on applications, important dates, scholarship opportunities, and much more… Join our Edmodo group. We also will be utilizing a twitter account to distribute
W HAT NOW ? Don’t procrastinate – start planning now!!! Confused – make an appointment with your counselor or the college advisor ASAP QUESTIONS?