CARU The HY pertension in the V ery E lderly T rial – latest data Stephen Jackson Professor of Clinical Gerontology King’s Health Partners.


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Presentation transcript:

CARU The HY pertension in the V ery E lderly T rial – latest data Stephen Jackson Professor of Clinical Gerontology King’s Health Partners

CARU DeclarationsDeclarations   First author – Nigel Beckett – has moved from Imperial College to King’s Health Partners since the NEJM paper was published.   As a PROGRESS investigator, Servier have funded speaking at meetings around

Blood Pressure & The Very Elderly (aged 80 or more) Population studies suggest better survival with higher levels of blood pressure Worse survival reported in hypertensives with SBP levels below 140 mmHg (Oates et al. 2007) Clinical trials recruited too few. Meta-analysis (n=1670) (Gueyffier et al. 1997) –36% reduction in the risk of stroke (BENEFIT) –14% (p=0.05) increase in total mortality (RISK) Hypertension in the Very Elderly Trial (HYVET) pilot results (n=1273) similar to meta-analysis (Bulpitt et al. 2003)

The Trial: International, multi-centre, randomised double-blind placebo controlled Inclusion Criteria: Exclusion Criteria: Aged 80 or more,Standing SBP < 140mmHg Systolic BP; mmHg Stroke in last 6 months + diastolic BP; <110 mmHg, Dementia Informed consentNeed daily nursing care Primary Endpoint: All strokes (fatal and non-fatal ) Target blood pressure 150/80 mmHg

Statistical Analysis Numbers based on a 35% reduction in all strokes –α= 0.01 ß=0.1 –Stroke event rate of 40/1000 –10,500 years of follow-up required 3 interim analyses planned –Stopped at 2 nd as decrease in stroke and all-cause mortality ITT and PP analyses Other main trial endpoints: total mortality, cardiovascular mortality, cardiac mortality, stroke mortality, heart failure

4761 Entered into Placebo Run-in Placebo 1912 Active not randomised 3845 randomised; Western Europe (86) Eastern Europe (2144), China (1526), Australasia (19), Tunisia (70) At end of trial; 1882 still in double blind, 17 vital status not known, 220 in open follow-up

Placebo (n= 1912) Active (n= 1933) Age (years) Female60.3%60.7% Blood Pressure: Sitting SBP (mmHg)173.0 Sitting DBP (mmHg)90.8 Orthostatic Hypotension ‡ 8.8%7.9% Isolated Systolic Hypertension32.6%32.3% Baseline data ‡ Fall in SBP ≥ 20mmHg and/or fall in DBP ≥ 10mmHg

Baseline Data ( Previous Cardiovascular History ) Placebo (%) Active (%) Cardiovascular disease Known Hypertension89.9 Anti-hypertensive treatment Stroke Myocardial Infarction Heart Failure2.9

PlaceboActive Current smoker6.6%6.4% Diabetes (Known DM/ DM treatment/glucose>11.1mmo/l) 6.9%6.8% Total cholesterol (mmol/l)5.3 HDL Cholesterol (mmol/l)1.35 Serum Creatinine (μmol/l) Uric acid (µmol/l) Body Mass Index (kg/m 2 )24.7 Baseline data ( Cardiovascular Risk factors )

Blood pressure separation Median follow-up 1.8 years 15 mmHg 6 mmHg

All stroke (30% reduction) Placebo IndapamideSR ±perindopril Indapamide SR ±perindopril Placebo P=0.055

Total Mortality (21% reduction) Placebo Indapamide SR ±perindopril P=0.019 Placebo IndapamideSR ±perindopril

Fatal Stroke (39% reduction) Indapamide SR ±perindopril Placebo P=0.046 Placebo IndapamideSR ±perindopril

Heart Failure (64% reduction) P< Placebo IndapamideSR ±perindopril Placebo IndapamideSR ±perindopril

HR95% CI 0.70(0.49, 1.01) 0.61(0.38, 0.99) 0.79(0.65, 0.95) 0.81(0.62, 1.06) 0.77(0.60, 1.01) 0.71(0.42, 1.19) 0.36(0.22, 0.58) 0.66(0.53, 0.82) All Stroke Stroke Death All cause mortality NCV/Unknown death CV Death Cardiac Death Heart Failure CV events ITT – Summary

Biochemical Changes from Baseline (2 year cohort) In 2 year cohort there were no significant differences between the groups with regard to change in serum…. Potassium Uric acid Glucose Creatinine At 2 years 73.4% on combination treatment in active group (85.2% placebo)

Safety Reported serious adverse events (after randomisation) –448 in the placebo group vs 358 in active (p=0.001) –Only 5 categorised by the local investigator possible SADRs (3 in placebo group, 2 being in active)

CARU   4 centres closed in first year due to data quality uncertainties   Large large number of patients from Eastern Europe and China   Change in shygs (Hg to semiautomatic)   Protocol change from DBP extended to DBP<110 after 2 years   Trial stopped early due to mortality benefit in active treatment group. Last visit 8 months later.   2 nd interim analysis after 6 years of recruitment   RR stroke 0.59 ( ) p=   RR all cause mortality 0.76 ( ) p=0.007   Final dataset failed to show primary outcome benefit (all stroke) Points worthy of comment

CARU ApplicabilityApplicability

CARU  2008 Trial of the Year awarded by ImpACT (Important Achievements of Clinical Trials)  American Heart Association top ten list for major advances in heart disease and stroke research in 2008 test Achievements of HYVET

CARU   102 reported fractures in 3,845 participants, 90 validated (majority femur)   38 active   52 placebo   Cox proportional hazard regression adjusted for baseline risk factors   Point estimate 0.58 ( ) p=0.0498 Other findings from HYVET (1) The effect of treatment based on a diuretic (indapamide) ± ACE inhibitor (perindopril) on fractures in the HYVET. Peters et al Age Ageing :

CARU     3336 pts mean follow up 2.2 years   Baseline and annual MMSE   Diagnosis of dementia using standard criteria   MMSE   -1.1 placebo   +0.7 active   Dementia   Placebo 38 cases/1000 pt years   Active 33 cases/1000 pt years HYVET-COG Other findings from HYVET (2) Peters et al 2008 Lancet Neurology 7:

CARU   2656 pts completed a GDS-15   GDS ≥ 6 associated with   risk of all cause mortality HR 1.8 (1.4 – 2.3)   CV mortality HR 2.1 (1.5 – 3.0)   All stroke HR 1.8 (1.2 – 2.8)   CV events HR 1.6 (1.2 – 2.1)   Each point on GDS at baseline associated with significantly increased risk of fatal and non fatal CV events, all cause mortality and dementia. Depression: Other findings from HYVET (3) Peters et al 2010 Age Ageing 39:

CARU   Antihypertensive treatment based on indapamide (SR) 1.5mg (± perindopril) reduced stroke mortality and total mortality in a very elderly cohort.   NNT (2 years) = 94 for stroke and 40 for mortality   Large and significant benefit in reduction of heart failure events and for combined endpoint of cardiovascular events   Benefits seen early   Treatment regimen was safe   Protocol target of <150/80 mmHg   reached in 20% on placebo; 48% on active treatment   ISH target reached in 71% (J Hum Hypertens 2011) ConclusionsConclusions


Per-Protocol HR95% CIP All stroke- 34% Total mortality- 28% Fatal stroke- 45% Cardiovascular mortality-27% Heart failure-72% <0.001 Cardiovascular events- 37% <0.001