E NDANGERED S PECIES Endangered species- a species whose numbers are so small that the species is at risk of extinction. Short-eared Owl- agricultural practices make habitats unsuitable in PA with no suitable nesting areas. Blackpoll Warbler- The Blackpoll Warbler is endangered because of habitat destruction of spruce swamps. Indiana Bat-Humans come into hibernation caves in winter it disturbs bats and causes them to burn up their fat reserves.
E NDANGERED S PECIES Northeastern Bulrush- Destruction of wetlands, Bulrush natural habitat. Virginia Spiraea- Human induced threats watershed development and the introduction of non-native species.
5 M OST COMMON REASONS FOR ENDANGERMENT AND E NDANGERMENT P REVENTION Habitat Destruction Introduction of Exotic Species Overexploitation Disease Pollution What can be done to prevent endangerment? We can prevent endangerment by educating other people on how to not intrude on natural habitats of organism preventing certain habitat destruction.
Introduced species- a species living outside of it’s natural geographic range can be deliberately or accidently introduced or brought into the new ecosystem. Native species- an animal or plant originating in a region or geographic range. Invasive species- spreading or taking over. Invasive species often take over or dominate a habitat
I NVASIVE SPECIES Asian Clam- Corbicula fluminea Can damage irrigation canals. The impacted in the environment is that it competes other organisms for limited sources. Red-eared slider(turtle)- Trachemys scripta elegans. Red-eared slider turtles can cause limited food sources.The role the red- eared slider turtle is competing with pacific pond turtle. Spiny Water Flea- Bythotrephes cederstroemi- The spiny water flea can produce offspring in 2 weeks asexually. The spiny water fleas niche in a environment is completion with small fishes.
I NVASIVE SPECIES Hydrilla- Hydrilla verticillata - Grows at a very fast rate and covers alot of lakes. The niche in the enviornment is the fregency of the hydrilla. Purple loosestrife- Lythrum salicaria- often forms dense stands that prevent growth of native aquatic plants. The niche in the environment is that it takes up several land areas.
5 OF THE MOST COMMON WAYS INVASIVE SPECIES GET INTO OUR COUNTRY Intentional Introductions Unintentional Introductions Unwanted Pets “Hitchhiking” Hidden in foreign materials
4 OF THE MOST COMMON WAYS THAT INVASIVE SPECIES NEGATIVELY AFFECT OUR ENVIRONMENT Spread Disease Compete for the same natural resources Change the nature of the habitats Disrupt the food chain
R EINTRODUCED / E XTIRPATED S PECIES S EGMENT Delmarva fox squirrel Reintroduced species- A species that humans have placed into an ecosystem or community (either accidentally or intentionally) in which it does not naturally occur Extirpated species- A Species that no longer exists in the wild in a certain country or area, but can be found else where in the world. Extinct in a specific area This such species of squirrel was reintroduced in between 1978 to They usually travel across open ground rather than through the trees. This squirrel was reintroduced to save the Delmarva fox squirrel species. Reintroducing this species required none human contact.
R ESOURCES Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission Pennsylvania Game commission bjID=621014&mode=2 Endangeredspecie.com nceIndividual.jsp?state=PA