Water: Putting Resources Back Into Place Eutrophication, Pollution and Waste Water Treatment
Delaware River Basin Low flow in the Delaware River during the mid-1960s and in the early 1980s threatened the drinking and industrial water supplies of Camden, New Jersey and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
What is Pollution? 1.Describe water pollution that you have seen 2.Why do you believe that it was pollution? 3.What sensory cues did you use? 4.Why did this info tell you it was pollution?
Pollution A resource that is out of place; too much of a substance in a particular location Any chemical, biological, or physical change in water quality that has a harmful effect on living organisms or makes water unsuitable
How would you define a point source and a nonpoint source?
Where does the pollution come from? Point source = single, identifiable source -can you point your finger at the polluter? Nonpoint source = many sources, hard to identify -the pollution could be from many sources – hard to point your finger at the culprit
Point vs. Nonpoint Pollution Point Sources – Pipes, ditches, sewers into bodies of surface water – Factories, sewage treatment plants, landfills, mines, oil wells, etc. Nonpoint Sources – Runoff, subsurface flow, air – Storm drains, croplands, streets, lawns, livestock lots (feces, fertilizer, soil, oil leaks, chemicals, etc.)
Water Pollution Types Pathogens Organic Wastes Chemical – Inorganic chemicals Heavy metals, acids, road salts Plant nutrients – Organic chemicals Petroleum, pesticides, detergents Sediments* Thermal Genetic Pollution
What do you see?
Eutrophication Environment is enriched with nutrients which overstimulates autotrophic growth Natural vs. Cultural Chain reaction of events leading to death of lake organisms
Gulf of Mexico Dead Zone
The Value of Wetlands Swamp Lands Act of 1849 – wetlands are wastelands Ecological and economic services
Laws Clean Water Act – surface water – 1972 – make water swimmable and fishable by regulating point sources – 1977 and 1987 – storm water runoff – Section 404 – requires permit for draining, dredging, filling wetlands Mitigation banking Safe Drinking Water Act (1974) – monitors levels of contaminants in groundwater
Take Home Message: Most water pollution can be described as resources out of place. Water pollutants are pathogenic organisms, chemicals, substances that alter habitat, and various kinds of nutrients. Natural eutrophication occurs much less often than cultural eutrophication. Eliminating eutrophication is most effective if we eliminate the root causes. Sewage management and treatment, along with sludge treatment, have been extremely effective in the elimination of a variety of forms of pollution. Sewage treatment can be accomplished using methods that enhance wetlands and groundwater.