Report by the Open Science Grid Council Subcommittee to Address At- Large VO Representation on the Consortium Council Shaowen Wang (on behalf of the committee) University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign August 5, 2008
August 5, 08 2 Committee Members Paul Avery Kent Blackburn Tom Furlani Dick Greenwood Bill Kramer Ruth Pordes (ex-officio) Shaowen Wang (Chair)
August 5, 08 3 OSG At-Large VOs (14 of 31) Short Names CDF *CIGI CMS *CompBioGrid *DES *DOSAR DZero Engage Fermilab geant4 GLOW *GPN *GRASE GridEx *GUGrid i2u2 *ILC *LBNL_DSD LIGO MIS *nanoHUB *NWICG *NYSGRID Ops OSG OSGEDU *SBGrid SDSS STAR USATLAS *GIN
August 5, 08 4 Interview Questions Who is involved in your VO? What is the focus of your VO? How long has your VO been around? What would make your VO's participation in OSG more effective? What communications with the OSG (and OSG Council) does your VO anticipate to need?
August 5, 08 5 The First Recommendation – Policies and Mechanisms Two rotation seats are already defined in the OSG Council agreements. We recommend the following implementation. One seat to serve two-year term; The other seat to serve either one-year or two-year term. We also recommend that the OSG Council Bylaws address necessary procedures to replace and add new council seats.
August 5, 08 6 The Second Recommendation – At-large VO Council-Level Forum This Forum is recommended to self-organize at-large VOs at the Consortium level so that their voices can be heard timely and their representations on the Council can be effective. At least one face-to-face meeting is recommended to take place each year, which may be scheduled right before or to be part of the annual OSG all-hands meeting. The Forum serves the two-fold purpose of electing the council representatives of at- large VOs and facilitating the sharing of operational and scientific experiences.
August 5, 08 7 THANKS! Comments/Questions?