MTM’99 Workshop Heidelberg, 25 February 1999 The Mobile Agent Technology applied to 3 rd Generation Communication Systems André Leichsenring Task participants: GMD FOKUS, CSELT, CNET, CET
MTM’99 Workshop Heidelberg, 25 February 1999 provides asynchronous task execution unbinds program logic from a certain location offers performance impacts by distributing applications Future mobile communication systems require new software technologies. Mobile Agent Technology
MTM’99 Workshop Heidelberg, 25 February 1999 Investigate how UMTS can benefit from mobile agents: On-demand service provisioning (Virtual Home Environment, Service adaptation, Quality of Service) Reduction of maintenance support for service installation and operation Software-based integration of different core network technologies Task Objectives
MTM’99 Workshop Heidelberg, 25 February 1999 Research Relationships GSM Terminal Mobility IN Service Management OnTheMove GSM & mobile IP integration using mobile agents Cameleon Virtual Home Environment CAMEL IN & GSM integration EURESCOM P608, P712 Distributed Object Technology Mobile Agent Technology UMTS Virtual Home Environment Personal Communication Support Quality of Service
MTM’99 Workshop Heidelberg, 25 February 1999 DAE in a UMTS framework DAE: Distributed Agent Environment DPE: Distributed Processing Environment
MTM’99 Workshop Heidelberg, 25 February 1999 Agent based VHE Model
MTM’99 Workshop Heidelberg, 25 February 1999 Visited Network A Home Provider Network Visited Network B User Agent Roaming
MTM’99 Workshop Heidelberg, 25 February 1999 VPN Service Provision Scenario
MTM’99 Workshop Heidelberg, 25 February 1999 Provider Network Architecture
MTM’99 Workshop Heidelberg, 25 February 1999 Mobile agents may be a key technology for UMTS Improved functionality for users, providers, and developers Middleware that abstracts from underlying core networks Summary