6.IP IST prioritāte, Latvijas organizāciju dalības analīze, partneru meklēšana, atlikušās aktivitātes Dina Bērziņa, Latvijas IST NKP,
6.IP Finanšu sadalījums
6 th Framework Programme (1) Genomics and biotechnology for health Information Society technologies Nanotechnologies, intelligent materials, and new production processes Aeronautics and space Food safety and health risks Sustainable development and global change Citizens and governance in the European knowledge- based society
6. Eiropas Kopienas pamatprogramma (1) zinātnes par dzīvību, genomika un biotehnoloģija veselībai; informācijas sabiedrības tehnoloģijas ; nanotehnoloģijas un nanozinātnes, uz zinātnes atziņām balstīti daudzfunkcionāli materiāli un jauni ražošanas procesi un ierīces; aeronautika un kosmoss; pārtikas kvalitāte un drošība; ilgtspējīga attīstība, globālās izmaiņas un ekosistēmas; pilsoņi un pārvalde sabiedrībā, kas balstīta uz zinātnes atziņām
6 th Framework Programme (2) Research for Policy support New and emerging science and technologies SME activities International cooperation activities Research and innovation Human resources and mobility - Marie Curie Actions Research infrastructures Science and society Coordination of research activities and ERA-NET Development of research/innovation policies Euratom (Nuclear Energy)
6. Eiropas Kopienas pamatprogramma (2) Politikas atbalsts un zinātnes un tehnoloģijas vajadzību paredzēšana Jaunas un potenciālas zinātnes un tehnoloģijas problēmas un iespējas Horizontālās pētniecības pasākumi, iesaistot MVU Konkrēti pasākumi starptautiskās sadarbības atbalstam Pētniecība un jauninājumi Cilvēku resursi un mobilitāte Pētniecības infrastruktūras Zinātne un sabiedrība Atbalsts pasākumu koordinācijai Atbalsts politikas saskaņotai attīstībai Eiropas Atomenerģijas kopienas (Euratom) programma
Latvijas organizāciju dalība (1)
Latvijas organizāciju dalība (2)
Information Society Technologies Applied IST research addressing major societal and economic challenges (health, security, mobility, culture, etc.) Communication, computing and software technologies Components and micro-systems Knowledge and interface technologies IST Future and emerging technologies
Informācijas sabiedrības tehnoloģijas Pētījumu integrēšana pilsoņiem un uzņēmējiem prioritārajās tehnoloģiskajās jomās; Sakaru un skaitļošanas tehnikas infrastruktūras; Komponenti un mikrosistēmas; Informācijas vadība un saskarnes IST Jaunas un potenciālas zinātnes un tehnoloģijas
LV in Call 1 – 52 prop / 3 Contr Pushing the limits of CMOS and preparing for post- CMOS Micro and nano systems Broadband for all Mobile and Wireless Systems Beyond 3G Towards a global dependability and security framework Multimodal interfaces1 / Semantic-based Knowledge Systems Networked Audiovisual systems and home platforms Networked businesses and governments eSafety for Road and Air Transport eHealth Technology-enhanced learning and access to cultural heritage 17 / General Accompanying Actions6
LV in IST Call 1
LV in Call 2 – 27 prop / 5 Contr Advanced displays1 / Optical, opto-electronic, and photonic functional components Open development Platforms for software and services Cognitive Systems Embedded systems Applications and Services for the Mobile User and worker 11 / Cross-media content for leisure and entertainment GRID-based Systems for solving complex problems Improving Risk management eInclusion Research networking test-beds General Accompanying Actions7 / 2
LV in IST Call 2
LV in Call 3 – 32 prop / 10 Contr To stimulate, encourage and facilitate the participation of organisations from the New Member States (NMS) and the Associated Candidate Countries (ACC) in the activities of IST 24 / To prepare for future international co-operation in IST To progress towards the achievement of the objectives of a European Research Area in a given IST field 5 / 2
LV in IST Call 3
LV in Call 4 – 44 prop / 4 Contr 2.4.1Nanoelectronics Technologies and devices for micro/nano-scale integration Towards a global dependability and security framework Broadband for All Mobile and Wireless Systems and Platforms Beyond 3G Networked Audio Visual Systems and Home Platforms Semantic-based Knowledge and Content Systems Cognitive Systems ICT Research for Innovative Government Technology-enhanced Learning Integrated biomedical information for better health eSafety – Co-operative Systems for Road Transport Strengthening the Integration of the ICT research effort in an Enlarged Europe 13 / FET proactive initiatives1
LV in IST Call 4
Number of retained coordinators November 2005 Philippe de Montgolfier, Essor Europe Data form ANRT
Proposed projects with LV participation
Success ratio of coordinators November 2005 Philippe de Montgolfier, Essor Europe Data form ANRT
Success ratio of coordinators with LV participation
Refined analysis by Instrument November 2005 Philippe de Montgolfier, Essor Europe Data form ANRT IPNoESTREPCASSA DE UK FR IT ES NL50618 SE62400 FI21610 DK20001 NO10301 PL00001 CZ00000 HU00300 SI00100 SL00100
Refined analysis by Instrument TotalIPNoESTREPCASSA DE 34 / / 1 2 / 1 8 / 4 FR 17 / 4 2 / / 1 GR 13 / / 1 IT ES PL 10 / 3 1 CZ 10 / / 1 13 SE 7 / / 1 IL 5 / / 1 NO PT 4 / / 1 2 / 2 IRL 4 13 UK 4 4 NL 3 / 1 2 / 1 1 BE LV FIN 3 3 LT 2 / / 1
A number of ranked proposals will not be funded November 2005 Philippe de Montgolfier, Essor Europe Data form ANRT
A number of ranked proposals will not be funded LV in IST Call 4
The funding proposed for large countries decrease November 2005 Philippe de Montgolfier, Essor Europe Data form ANRT
Latvijas organizāciju finansējums, milj €
Partneru meklēšanas iespējas (1) Cordis lapā: Var meklēt pēc projekta vai atslēgas vārda; NKP tīklā : Iespējams sazināties ar dažādu valstu IST prioritātes koordinatoriem Idealist projekta ietvaros: ist.net/partnersearch.php. Var ievietot savu projekta ideju vai atsaukties uz citu partneru meklējumiem
Partneru meklēšanas iespējas (2) PRO_NMS projekta ietvaros: nms.net/partner_search.php. Var ievietot savu profilu vai atsaukties uz citu piedāvājumiem IST Mentor tīkla projektu ietvaros: Iespējams sazināties ar projektos iesaistītajiem multiplikatoriem no dažādām valstīm Finance NMS IT projekta ietvaros: helpdesk.org/front/HelpLine.aspx?CatId=3. Iespējams saņemt konsultācijas tiešsaistē
Atlikušās 6.IP IST aktivitātes FP IST-41, atvērts līdz 20.decembrim - Tīkla audiovizuālās sistēmas un platformas individuālai lietošanai: tikai IP un NoE, 52.5 M€ ( ); Iespējams FP IST-6, atvērts līdz 25.aprīlim – tilts starp 6.IP un 7.IP, 140 M€: 2.6.1: Advanced Robotics, 2.6.2: Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) for the Ageing Society, 2.6.3: Search Engines for Audio-Visual Content, 2.6.4: Accompanying actions in support of participation in Community ICT research, 2.6.5: International Co-operation
2.6.1: Advanced Robotics Flexible robot systems, Safe, robust and dependable robot systems, Networked and cooperating robots, Advanced integrated modular robotics Indicative budget: 37M€; STREPs, CAs, SSAs: 100%
2.6.2: Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) for the Ageing Society Integration of advanced ICTs into working prototypes for assisted living, Development of AAL systems reference architectures allowing for seamless integration of required devices, sub-systems and services into cost-effective, reliable and trusted solutions Indicative budget: 40 M€ ; IPs : 50% ; STREPs, CAs, SSAs : 50%
2.6.3: Search Engines for Audio-Visual Content Technologies to support the process of representing and interpreting, navigating and retrieving audio-visual content and other types of digital objects, Methods and tools aimed at higher levels of information harvesting, including automated knowledge discovery and extraction, annotation and summarisation, indexing and retrieval of all types of digital content, Systems for adaptive search by content and/or context to be tested in realistic everyday life settings, based on relevance feedback – including socially-derived relevance Indicative budget: 30 M€ ; IPs: 40%; STREPs, CAs: 60%
2.6.4: Accompanying actions in support of participation in Community ICT research Stimulate, encourage and facilitate the participation in current and future Community ICT research of organisations of all types, with a special focus on newcomers and SMEs, including organisations from New Member States (NMS), Associated Candidate Countries (ACC) and INCO countries Indicative budget: 3 M€ ; SSAs, CAs: 100%
2.6.5: International Co-operation International Cooperation on Digital TV Broadcasting and Interactive Applications, TR: Latin America - 5 M€; STREPSs,SSAs, CAs International Cooperation on Digital Broadcasting / Mobile Convergence, TC: China - 5 M€; STREPSs,SSAs, CAs International cooperation on Grid Technologies, TC: China - 5 M€; STREPSs,SSAs, CAs International cooperation for eGovernment and eParticipation, TCs: Western Balkans - 5 M€; STREPSs,SSAs, CAs Early warning systems for geo-physical hazards, TCs: Mediterranean partner countries, Indonesia, Thailand, India, Sri-Lanka, Japan, USA, Canada, New-Zealand - 5 M€; STREPSs,SSAs, CAs Coordination Actions or Specific Support Actions focused on identifying constituencies and potentialities for deeper strategic cooperation - 5M€; SSAs, CAs