A project of the Urbana Champaign Independent Media Center
Our Mission provide books to inmates in Illinois by recycling donated books facilitate a quality volunteer experience offer a venue for inmates to tell their own stories educate ourselves and our community about prisons
Providing free books costs money Since 2005 we have sent 38,381 books in 9,988 packages to 6,001 of Illinois 44,054 inmates Books are donated by our community Each package costs approximately $3.00 to ship To pay for this expense we: 1. sell books at semi-annual Book Sale Thank you for supporting us! 2. sell books on an Amazon.com book store 3. rely on donations from individuals & organizations
Providing free books costs money We purchase dictionaries and special titles You can donate a dictionary for $3.00 inquire at checkout
Who volunteers with us? Book Lovers
Who volunteers with us? Students
Who volunteers with us? Retirees
Who volunteers with us? People who want to make a difference
Thank you for your support Your book purchase today helps keep our program growing To learn more about our organization ask one of our volunteers or visit: www. books2prisoners.org