Through this parable we can see ourselves as we really are If we were to be put on trial for being a Christian – would there be enough evidence to convict us? “…that your progress may be evident to all.” (1 Tim 4:15)
Explanation of the Parable The Sower –Jesus The Seed –Word of God The Soil –Four Soils The Sower –Jesus The Seed –Word of God The Soil –Four Soils
The Wayside Soil –“–“hears and does not understand” Matthew 13:15 –T–Their condition is one of being “blinded” by Satan to the gospel 2 Corinthians 4:3-4 Precipitated by their own hardness of heart
The Stony Soil –“–“hears and receives it with joy” Matthew 13:20 –“–“he has no root in himself, but endures only for a while” Matthew 13:21a –“–“when tribulation comes – he stumbles” Matthew 13:21b
The Thorny Soil –A–Ability to bear fruit is choked by: “cares of the world” (Matt 13:22b) “deceitfulness of sin” (Matt 13:22c) “pleasures of life” (Luke 8:14) –H–How these THREE “thorns” can cause us to be unfruitful in God’s Word Luke 21:34-36; 12:29-32; 1 Tim 6:9-10, 17; Gal 5:17, 6:7-9
The Good Soil –“–“hears the word and understands it” Matthew 13:23a –“–“bears fruit and produces” Matthew 13:23b –F–Fruit that one will bear Winning souls (Rom 1:3) Practical holiness (Rom 6:22; 12:1-2) Christ-like character (Gal 5:22)
The Wayside? –Heard the gospel but not yet a Christian? –You may be in the process of hardening your heart Application of the Parable You are susceptible to Satan’s deception in some form, not accepting God’s Word
The Stony? –Responded to the gospel at one time but now are not grounded in faith Application of the Parable You will likely fall away when persecution and temptation comes your way
The Thorny? –Responded to the gospel at one time but are becoming too preoccupied with the cares, riches, and pleasures of the world Application of the Parable You will not be able to bear fruit! John 15:1-6 You will not be able to bear fruit! John 15:1-6
The Good? –R–Responded to the gospel and are bearing fruit! You’ve demonstrated: Good heart Understanding Patience Application of the Parable The Word has been able to produce its intended effect in your life!
“He who has ears to hear, let him hear!” (Matt 13:9) Only the “GOOD SOIL” will be among the FEW!