Mayan Creation The Popol Vuh An ancient peoples perspective regarding the beginnings, past, and future history of the cosmos and man.
Mayan Creation vs Other Cultures Similarities in early Egyptian, Babylonian, Hindu, and Tibetan scriptures. In the Bhagavad-Gita, Krishna, the eternal and supreme, gave Arjuna the "divine eye." Similarities in Greek mystery tales. Like Christians and Buddhists, Mayans believe that spiritual knowledge can be obtained only by crossing over to the other shore Believed in a creator of all things Followed the book as a guide for living
The Popol Vuh Also called by the Quiches, whose descendants still live in the highlands of Guatemala, the "Council Book“ The Quiches believe that by it one can come to know everything under the sky and on the earth to the very limits of space and time A guide to knowledge as known by the first humans before the gods confined their sight to what was obvious and nearby. Knew whether war would occur Whether there would be death, or whether there would be famine, or whether quarrels would occur Subtle wisdom contained in this book leads to truth A "seeing instrument," whose practical application and amazing information cannot be fully appreciated until the countless peoples of the world unite in reverence of truth. When people unite, then mankind will once again see and know all things, and be able to speak and understand the language of the gods -- of the ancient Popol Vuh
Creation in Popol Vuh Creation began with the gods who dwelt in the primordial sea, called collectively Heart of the Sea, Heart of the Lake and, individually, Maker, Modeler, Bearer, Begetter, and Sovereign Plumed Serpent, the Maker of the Blue-Green Plate and the Blue-Green Bowl (the visible earth and sky), These gods joined with the gods of the primordial sky, called collectively Heart of Sky, Heart of Earth. The first efforts were unsatisfactory: the humans produced had no arms, could not work, nor could they speak intelligently; they just kept loosening, softening, disintegrating, and finally dwindled away Instead of trying again to produce intelligent beings, the gods turned their attention to making the earth more suitable for human habitation. Celestial divinities came together; when the gods thought together, they realized what was needed and were able to produce men and women as they had first envisioned them. The pure and innocent androgynous "humans" became distinctly male and female.
Creation Continued Once perfectly created, the gods felt these humans could see and know too much and they blinded their eyes Now it was only when they looked nearby that things were clear. With imperfect sight, the loss of the means of understanding, along with the means of knowing everything, occurred For a time these first humans were happy and multiplied, their descendants scattering over the face of the earth. But eventually they grew weary of wandering about in darkness. Then, unexpectedly, the Sun himself appeared "it is only his reflection that now remains“ thus marking the awakening of thinking, caring, and responsibility in human beings, as well as their spiritual unification.