1 Overview on Present Database System of EIA for Sustainable Development of Nepal - Dipak Adhikari - Media Forum for Research and - Development (MFRD), Nepal
2 Background Application for Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) and Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is mandatory Project screening should be undertaken in accordance with the Environmental Screening Guidelines The proposal submitted for approval should be accompanied by an IEE or EIA report for review The project approval agencies will make arrangements for the public review of IEE/EIA reports
3 Rational What are the major sectors of the EIA so far carried out in Nepal? What are the present government policies in database management of EIA? What is the present data base management system in Nepal? What role can plan by the NGOs/INGOs in EIA database management? What role can play by journalist in application & dissemination of EIA information?
4 Objective of study To explore the EIA data management system in Nepal, To find out the sources of EIA application policies of government, To trace the draw backs of EIA data management system in Nepal, To provide the relevant information on EIA application to media
5 Methodology Participatory discussion Secondary data Analysis Discussion with key stakeholders and EIA experts (focus group discussion)
6 Limitation of the study Being an Environmental journalist by profession, this study is not focused in depth of EIA technical aspect. However I tried to explore the present EIA data base management system based on the available EIA information. The effort of the study is to explore the real information on EIA to be ready for dissemination among the general public and concerned stakeholders.
7 Result and discussion Major sectors of EIA in Nepal Agriculture, Tourism, Hydropower, Wastewater Management, Forestry, Road etc Present policies of EIA database management Environment Protection Act 1997 Environment Protection Regulation 1997 Those Acts and Regulations haven ’ t sufficiently addressed the issues of EIA data base management in Nepal. National level discussions and efforts are needed to carried out for formulation of the acts and regulations towards the systematic EIA data base management.
8 Present Database Management system Present status of EIA database in Nepal
9 Trend of EIA approval in Nepal
10 Availability and Reliable Sources of Data Constraints and weaknesses in EIA data base management in Nepal The main issues for the improvement of EIA data management system EIA Methodologies and Process Role of NGO/INGO/Media
11 Recommendation In order to systematize the EIA data base management system in Nepal, the following points are advised to take by the stakeholders. Management of financial resources Capacity building of human resource Establish the separate unit within government body Strengthen the networking Establish a Data Bank We still found inadequate information on EIA database in Nepal which is indeed question of national prestige, so we must focus how can we implement and develop this system effectively.
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