Cultural and creative art Terms and words used in representing different aspect of art DEFINITION: Art terms are words used in representing different kinds if art works and materials. Examples of art terms are: 1. Colours – Pigments applied to a surface, shape or designs to make it more appealing to our senses. 2. Drawing board – For mounting the paper to draw or paint. 3. Art-portfolio – It is a large flat case or bag for carrying or storing two dimentional art works. 4. Loom – An equipment constructed for weaving. 5. Masking tape - For mounting of cartridge papers on drawing board. 6. Mallet - Wooden or rubber hammer used along with chisel and gauges for carving activities.
7. Tracing paper – For transferring designs or illustrations from reference source. 8.Tjanting – A tool with light metal cone with narrow, wooden handle use handling wax on a fabric. 9. Palette knife – Used for proper mixing of oil colours and linseed oil on the palette during painting. 10.Donkey – Is a short bench for sitting and also holding drawing board in place for the artist at work in life and general drawing. 11.Guages – These are also sharp metal usually with wooden handles for chipping out wood. They are of different shapes and sizes e.g. U,V and C shaped gauges. 12. Crayon – Drawing materials that is popular among children. There are two types – the pencil types and wax. Crayon is also for shading or colouring. ASSIGNMENT 1. Mention at least 5 art terms and their uses.
Jss 2 First term scheme of work 2014/2015 academic session Wk 1 - Terms and words used in different aspect of art Wk 2 - Life – Drawing Wk 3 – Life – drawing practical Wk 4 - Batik Wk 5 - Imaginative – Composition Wk 6 - Introduction to lettering Wk 7 - Construction of letters Wk 8 - Art and the society Wk 9 - Poster Design Wk 10 - Revision