DRUGS - Current laws - Issue: Legalising Cannabis - Proposed changes to laws
PAIRS List all the laws you know of that concern drugs.
RECENT CHANGES TO THE LAW March 2006: Smoking is banned in all enclosed public places in Scotland. PENALTIES: Fixed fine of £200 for managers who let people smoke in their premises or for failing to display no smoking signs. Fixed fine of £50 for individuals caught smoking in a public place.
RECENT CHANGES TO THE LAW January 2009: Cannabis is reclassified from a Class C to a Class B drug. 10 June 2013: a temporary class drug order was made on two groups of new psychoactive substances (or ‘legal highs’) - NBOMe and benzofuran compounds – making them illegal for 12 months.
GROUP TASK: BRAINSTORM: Why are police concerned about drug use within our society?
It could lead to other forms of crime e.g. theft. Health implications of long term drug use e.g. HIV, overdose, mental health problems. Encourage large scale criminals to become involved in drug dealing. Scottish people identified drugs as the second most important issue effecting the country. Over half of 16 year olds have experimented with drugs.
EVIDENCE: By age 13 most kids have been offered drugs, by age 16 most have tried a drug. In % of drug related crimes were arrests for possession. 27% of Scots have used drugs. Crimes related to drugs cost the UK £13.3 billion every year.
Heading – Proposed changes to drugs
Question In the United Kingdom, the laws concerned with drugs are not working and need to be changed. Give arguments for and against the view. that in the United Kingdom drugs laws are not working and need to be changed. (8 marks)
DRUGS What do we know?