Problems to be solved Large number of doctors work in public hospital system outside of co-ordinated training system No regulation of skills capability Potential risks to patient safety Lack of career pathways for ‘non-specialist’ doctors leads to exit from JMO & CMO roles to ‘locum’ work No system to acknowledge, reward or develop new skills for ‘non-specialist’ health professionals in a standardised fashion.
Hospital Skills Program About 1400 NSW doctors working as non-specialist medical staff in hospitals CMOs, locums, MMOs Primarily in critical care areas Need for skills recognition and/or training emerged through EM training review and locum review Aim : systematically develop training & professional recognition for non-specialist medical staff Initially doctors, initially ‘Hospitalist & critical care CMOs Then mental health, aged care, palliative care builds on existing workforce Later can be extended to others
Hospital Skills Program : Principles Safe patient care by health professionals Not in a vocational training program Not attained specialist qualifications Ensure capabilities are matched to job requirements, especially for ‘locums’ Provide a respected career pathway for those who do not seek a specialist career Facilitate doctors remaining in public hospital workforce Reduce expenditure on ‘locums’ For IMGs ( AMC or AoN) Opportunity to assess & enhance clinical skills
PGY1PGY2PGY3PGY4PGY 5 and above Intern Specialist Junior RegistrarSenior Registrar IMET Allocation process OR Hospital Skills Program Level 2Level 3Level 4 OR Locum Resident Specialist Training Program Hospital Skills Program : a new career path ? Link salaries to capabilities
Hospital Skills Program Assurance of capability : Recognise skills ; new learning to increase skills Record skills Standardised training CV Clinical experience, courses completed, skills recognised Match required skills against job requirements Position description eg.ED CMO, to list skills needed Employer access to IMET held training CV
Hospital Skills Program : training program Skills training to take place largely in the workplace State wide HSP training & education committee Set standards, clearly define single program, RPL Area or hospital director of ‘Non-Specialist’ Medical Staff eg. CMO AHS boundaries HSP program co-ordinator ‘Non-specialist’ support officer
Hospital Skills Program : training program Education program Hands –on ( hospital +/- simulation centre ) Cognitive ( various possible providers) Certificate of skills recognition ( AHS & IMET, ?others) Role of IMET Development & consultation Implementation Governance & oversight
Hospital Skills Program : can apply to Medical staff CMO / MMO; IMGs – AMC & AoN Casual medical staff (‘locums’) Rural GPs JMOs – ?match with national ‘core curriculum’ Medical students Senior nurses, including nurse practitioners ?ambulance officers & paramedics ?’physician assistant’ or ‘hospitalist’ health care workers
HSP : way forward Consultation Large working group & advisory group DoH WLDB GMCT Medical Board –feedback to come CEC – feedback to come CEs Planning session with all parties Identify potential funding sources Start with specific group & tasks, eg CMOs in ED Later role out to other groups