3 Funding Countries and regional organisations readiness Additional requests over the year
4 Strategy Access Monitoring Skills and knowledge
5 Data module introduction to the NSDS Better planning and costing RSDS Strengthening regional processes Guidelines on peer reviews Improving comparability and comprehensiveness
6 Final year of funding of ADP/IHSN Data Team set up Wider scope of data and expanding user base
PARIS21 Strategy Launch of the IDR Roadmap New methodology for PRESS Statistical Literacy Task Team 1 st CRESS in Asia
8 NSDS Guidelines English, French, Spanish and Portuguese Geomapping SDG Needs Assessment D4C with UN Global Pulse and Orange Praia City Group
9 PWB 2015 = € 5.08 million ↓ 11% Non-staff costs = 63% of total Staff costs = 37% of total
10 VCs/grants accepted Australia: 209,232 € Canada: 200,000 CAD equivalent to 148,124 € Korea: 40,000 € Discussions in progress Switzerland: 220,000 CHF per year for 2 years (206,845 € / year) Other possible contributions Belgium - Eurostat – Australia – Canada – Norway – Korea – Sweden – FAO – Qatar - Foundations – private sector
11 PARIS21 PROGRAMME FUNDING GAP ANALYSIS ABudgeted expenditure5,080,860 BIncome:4,975,586 Voluntary Contributions available at ) 4,578,230 Voluntary Contributions accepted in 2015: Australia209,232 Canada - 200,000 CAD - period: 01/01/ /03/ ,124 Korea – 2015 grant40,000 C = (A-B) Initial funding gap- 105,274 DPotential funding 2) 206,845 D1 VCs accepted - subject to Parliamentary approval or funding needs None D2Discussions in progress Switzerland - 2-year grant (220,000 CHF per year)206,845 D3Other possible contributions Cf previous slide E = (C+D) Current funding surplus 101,571 FEstimated financial commitments for ) 615,355 G = (E-F) Estimated end/year funding gap-513,784 1) This includes 2015 staff & non-staff committed funds for € 1,385,980 as at (see expenditure report) 2) All information as of 27 March ) This corresponds essentially to estimated staff contract commitments: This corresponds to contract extensions that are made in the last quarter of 2015 to ensure programme continuity (staff contracts extended until end of March 2016).
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