Smart State Transport This project will be developed for help the passenger who traveling in a GSRTC bus. In most of cases passenger are waiting at platform for the buses, so we are trying to develop one complete system which provide additional facility to user. Theme: Transportation
Block Diagram: Serial Ports Power Supply High Range IR Sensor Detects bus in platform RFID Reader “Entry Gate” Micro - controller LCD Display Audio Announce Buzzer Smart State Transport Software Smart State Transport Software Auto update database Display In Bus Station Display In Bus Station Display In website Display In website RFID reader “Exit Gate”
Features: (1) Automatic bus announcement by RFID identification. (2) Display the bus timing information on big display. (3)To keep the Record of bus entries. (4)User can access the live information from anywhere using website. (5)Higher authority can access the bus location in emergency cases using GPS.
No of Students: 03 Name of Students: (1) Vasoya Dharmesh – 6 th sem (EC) (2) Savaliya Mitesh – 6 th sem (CSE) (3) Joshi Margish – ME 2 nd sem (EC) Faculty Mentor: Prof. Jaydevsinh Jadeja Mail id: