Vitamin E C 29 H 50 O 2
Other names Alpha- tocopherol Gamma- tocopherol
Vitamin E is in a group of fat- soluble compounds
Where can we found it Vegetable oils Meat Poultry Eggs Is also available as a suplement And other „plant” food
Biological functions Is an antioxidant (most important) Is an enzyme activity regulator Reduces cholesterol level Protects lipids and prevents oxidation of fatty acids Prevents from heart diseases Prevents women in late pregnacy Used to make less harmful effects of medical treatments such as radiation
Effects of deficiency Red blood cells destructions Retinopathy which damage retina Myopathy (muscular disease) Dysfunctions of nervous system Skin problems
Side effects In food, vitamin E is not harmful, but too big amount of this vitamin can increase risk of serious bleeding in brain, can cause headaches, muscle weaknesses, visual disturbances.
Jakub Zaremba Michał Rudziński Adam Dołżycki Piotr Hutka