What combination of technologies would potentially fit in this system (bearing constraints in mind) ? Cropping system: Intercropping and rotation, (depending on agro ecol.zones with health advantages of legumes), spatial arrangements *CA/water harvesting with intercropping/rotation with grain and legumes Erosion/Water mgmt (subsoiling, tillage, tied ridges, live hedges, etc.) Soil health: Fertilization with inorganics/organics (manure, compost, green manures, residue retention) Integration of tree shrubs on farm: faidherbia, pigeon peas Grain legumes into the system Cover crops/weeds New varieties for food grains and legumes IPM Systems modeling for climate change and prediction
What tangible research activities should we undertake to test if our combination fits this system? NOW? (to be in the field) (part 1) Participatory variety selection (PVS): maize, legumes in intercropped systems (eg. Babati) Assess the pests/disease threats in the sites Assessment for adaptability and performance of new varieties: additional varieties Local legume production of foundation seed: work with existing seed producers or community seeds: QDS for legumes In regions with slopes: tied ridges, gulleys, contours, live hedges In flat regions: ripping, subsoiling (where hard pans), CA If fert response for inorganic fert has not been done, needs to be done Evaluate locally available organics to identify possible combo Mother/baby trials: selected inorganic/organic combos (using improved germplasm) Note: Assumes that situation analysis has provided info on constraints and how these technologies respond to constraints and opportunities).. Markets, etc.
What tangible research activities should we undertake to test if our combination fits this system? NOW? (to be in the field) (part 2) NAFAKA and herbicide work: entry point needs to be determined, trials with different products and doses. CA: Integrate into other trials (intercropping, varieties); demonstration plots, first two seasons and start Mother baby in future years Livestock and CA: where pressure of animals is so high, not put in CA unless live hedges and other fodder options used Baseline assessment of pests and diseases (incl. weeds) to guide selection of technologies (striga may be an important pest to control and may be an initial target pest for action, eg. push with tephrosia or desmodium /pull with napier grass adoption of herbicide resistant maize for striga control) Grain legumes: evaluate consumption, agroprocessing utilization, varietal selection related to market demand Fodder trees (eg. lucaena, calliandra) (Semiarid areas) Soil characterization in the research sites Systems modeling (year 1 collection of data) Note: Assumes that situation analysis has provided info on constraints and how these technologies respond to constraints and opportunities).. Markets, etc.
What tangible research activities should we undertake to test if our combination fits this system? NOW? (to be in the field) (part 3) Cross-Cutting – Capacity building: Extension, farmer orgs, private sector (ag tech training) – Capacity building (institutional): Forming/strengthening farmer orgs (with partners) – Economic evaluation of grain storage options – Farmer linkages with market information or other constraints identified – Ex ante study of impact on income and nutrition of selected identified technologies – Assess the resilience of the technologies to climate variability and change (such as soil carbon land cover changes and response to drought) at a landscape level Note: Assumes that situation analysis has provided info on constraints and how these technologies respond to constraints and opportunities). Markets, etc. Use existing baseline info on land cover and other aspects.
Who should be part of the research team? Pathologist Entomologist Weed specialists Social scientists (Economists, sociologist) Biostatistician Seed system specialist (for legumes) Breeder (maize, legumes) Soil scientist: Agronomist Food scientist/nutritionist Pasture agronomist Animal scientist Forester (agroforestry) NRM: Bernard Where possible, identify inst./persons, can be more than one
Who could we partner with? Tanzania – ARI (Hombolo) and SARI (Selian ARI) – NAFAKA and its collaborators – Sokoine University Agric. (SUA) – Local government authority (DALDO) Malawi – Bunda College of Ag – Total Land Care – To be continued (check with Regis, et al.) Zambia – ZARI – Golden Valley Ag Research trust (GART) – Conservation Farming Unit (CFU) – Provincial and District Agricultural Offices (PACO and DACO) – University of Zambia – IAPRI (policy center) – Private sector (cotton company Dunavant and CA, for example) Partner with programs from other donors
1. Crop/Shrubs/Tree 3.Livestock 2. Soil/Water 1.Crop 2.Soil 3.Livestock 4.Crop Soil √ 5.Crop Livestock √ 6.Soil Livestock √ 7.Crop Soil Livestock √ Africa RISING’s Niche-Integrated Research