Condition of stock-breeding in the region of Strandzha Brashlyan
Number of animals by municipalities and species Young cows Meat cows BullsSheepGoatsBirdsBees Malko Tarnovo Tzarevo Sredetz Sozopol Primorsko Total
Available agricultural land by municipalities (ha) Meadows, common land, pastures Arable land - total Uncultivated land Malko Tarnovo 4, , , Tzarevo1, , , Sredetz11, , , Sozopol3, , , Primorsko1, , , Total22, , ,346.61
Agricultural land registered in СИЗП (ha) Meadows, common land, pastures Arable land Malko Tarnovo Tzarevo Sredetz Sozopol Primorsko Total
Registered APs by municipalities (number) Plant- growers in SIAP Stock- breeders in SIAP Plant- growers acc. Reg. 3 Stock- breeders acc. Reg. 3 Malko Tarnovo Tzarevo Sredetz Sozopol Primorsko Total
Conclusions Highly decreased number of farm animals compared to 1989 Developed breeding of mostly sheep, goat and bees and less cattle and bulls;birds are bred mainly in personal farms Pastures pig-breeding is highly reduced and without perspective
Conclusions As a whole, stock-breeding is extensive, low productive, at low technological level, with difficult to realise produce. Available large areas of common land, pastures and meadows (22,800 ha) which are not fully utilised (not fully grazed, mown and maintained) which leads to shrub growth, afforestation and development of weed vegetation
Conclusions High % uncultivated land compared to the total arable land (77%), whereas over 99% in the municipality of Malko Tarnovo Common lands, meadows and pastures registered in SIAP are approx. 75% of available lands, while the arable land registered in SIAP is approx. 23% of the available (mainly in the municipality of Sredetz) APs registered in accordance with Regulation 3 are 207 plant-growers and 430 stock-breeders and APs registered in SIAP are 201 plant-growers and 272 stock- breeders
Opportunities Development of modern pasture sheep, goat, cattle and bull breeding through use of the available pasture resources of Standzha and observance of GAEC Improvement of the race structure of stock-breeding through introduction of meat-yielding sheep and cattle races
Opportunities Development of bee-keeping through improvement of technological equipment Development of biological stock- breeding and plant-growing Production and offering of specific products made in the region of Strandzha
Opportunities Development of agro-, rural and ecotourism Establishment of producer organisations and registration of trade marks