The indicator plants are grouped by the moisture regimes they indicate = background colour of the slides. Groups are in the following order: 1. Very Dry to Dry (red) 2. Fresh to Moist (green) 3. Dry to Moist (yellow + green) 4. Moist to Very Wet (blue) View the pictures of the indicator plants Look at stems, leaves, inflorescences, and other distinguishing characteristics
Family name common name Habitat (Elevation zone) Moisture Regime Indicated View the pictures of the indicator plants Look at stems, leaves, inflorescences, and other distinguishing characteristics Background colours = visual cue of moisture regime indicated
Poaceae bluebunch wheatgrass Grasslands + dry open forests Very dry to dry ca/range/RangeID/Imag es/pseudoroegeneria%2 0spicata1.jpg flashcards/front/5/2/ _m.jpg
Poaceae cheatgrass Grasslands + dry open forests + disturbed sites Dry rd/other%20weeds/ cheat2.JPG tGuideFolder/BromusTectoru m/BromusTec800a.jpg
Asteraceae arrow-leaved balsam root Grasslands + open forests Very dry to dry Photo: Wesley Brookes week/images/arrowleafbalsamroot/balsamorhiza_sagittata_lg.jpg
Asteraceae rabbit brush Grasslands, open forests, disturbed sites Dry hrysothamnus_nauseosus jpg a/potd/chrysothamnus_nauseosus 2.jpg
Asteraceae yarrow Open forests, disturbed sites Very dry to moist Photo: Wesley Brookes hcards/ /jpg/achi llea_millefolium_ _2574_1_ jpg ture_ita/ACHILLEA%20MIL LEFOLIUM.jpg
Asteraceae pasture sage Grasslands, open forests, overgrazed sites Dry footnativeplants.c om/wp- content/uploads/ wppa/149.jpg dia/commons/7/ 75/Artemisia_abs inthium_( ).jpg
Cactaceae prickly pear cactus Grasslands + open PP forests + rock outcrops Very dry Photo: Wesley Brookes Opuntia_fragilis.jpg
Crassulaceae lance-leaved stonecrop Open grassy slopes, sandy benches, ridges, rock outcrops Dry 0Photos/3amla.jpg
Cupressaceae common juniper Open forests, rock outcrops Very dry to dry Photo: Wesley Brookes wp- content/uploads/2 010/09/it_pl_4.jpg
Liliaceae nodding onion Dry open woods, exposed grassy places, rocky crevices, with Douglas-fir Dry smichelcorbe s/allium%20c ernuum.jpg 0cernuum.jpg
Rosaceae old man’s whiskers Open calcareous grassy sites, open dry forest, subalpine meadows Dry Photo: Wesley Brookes mages/dandelion3.jpg es/Geum%20trifloru m.jpg
Scrophulariaceae showy penstemon Rocky sites, open forest Dry org/static/images/plant/r esized/Penstemon_frutico sus_700x700.jpg
Selaginellaceae compact selaginella Dry, exposed ridges, grasslands, rocky outcrops, submontane alpine Dry opsida/selaginellaceae/selaginella/rupestris.jpg nella_densa,_entire,I_GY609.jpg
Parmeliaceae Cladonia lichens Over mineral soil, rock, humus + decaying wood in open dry forests and grasslands, Submontane subalpine Dry
Poaceae pinegrass Forests Dry to fresh e/RangeID/Images/calamagros tis%20rubescens1.jpg nature/cascade/mtadams/poacea e/calamagrostis/rubescens/rubes cens2a.jpg
Poaceae rough fescue Grasslands + forest openings Moist D/Images/festuca%20campestris1.jpg m/images/grid24_12/8 090/s/images/plants/52 4/Poa_scabrella.jpg
Poaceae Kentucky bluegrass Grasslands, open forests, wetlands Moist pedia/commons/b/b2/Starr_ _Poa_pratensis.jpg
Asteraceae mountain arnica Montane forests Fresh to moist
Asteraceae heart-leaved arnica Montane forests Fresh to moist Photo: Wesley Brookes ordifolia1.jpg
Asteraceae big sagebrush Grasslands Dry to fresh 20sagebrush.jpg content/uploads/2012/01/Artemisia -tridentata-foliage-Mather.jpg
Araliaceae wild sarsaparilla Shaded forests, mixedwoods Fresh to moist ages/plants/originals/Aralia_nudicaulis %23740b%23.jpg raliaceae_pics/Aralia_nudicau lis.jpg
Caprifoliaceae twinflower open closed forests Fresh to moist Photo: Wesley Brookes uk/uploaded/images/plants/pla nt_10316/plant_linnaea_boreal is__1_47.jpg?
Caprifoliaceae common snowberry Open forests, grass openings, rock outcrops Dry to fresh
Fabaceae arctic lupine High-elevation meadows and subalpine forests; medium-elevation open forests Fresh to moist owers/Lupinus.jpg 57ecbfc3f6a5910aeb98b907b4aeef.jpg
Fabaceae silky lupine Grasslands, open PP forests, disturbed sites Dry to fresh y0DiIZDcwRNfcQ_m.jpg
Ericaceae grouseberry Open conifer montane forests Dry to moist m/flowerpics/whortleberry x150.jpg
Liliaceae rosy twistedstalk Moist forests + openings, streambanks, meadows Fresh to moist sm.jpg
Ericaceae prince’s pine Mossy well-drained conifer forests, clearings Dry to fresh images/CHIMAPHILA_ UMBELLATA.jpg ewa-large.jpg
Asteraceae showy aster Open forests, meadows + clearings Dry to moist BVc-MPdyhF0/Uq- AD4frbPI/AAAAAA AAYlA/VgT7HJR- Z_I/s0/photo.jpg uploads/Showy_Aster _Bloom.gif
Ericaceae dwarf blueberry Mossy conifer montane forests, wet meadows, mountain slopes, alpine tundra Dry to moist edu/imgs/512x768/0000_ 0000/0507/0799.jpeg /Plants/Vaccinium%20caespitosum_fil es/image003.gif
Celastraceae falsebox Open closed forests Dry to moist pachistima/pachistima-flikr235.jpg /Botanie3/DSCN9892e.JPG
Elaeagnaceae Soopallalie Open forests Dry to moist /managecontent/51- 4b79a25334a67.gif
Ericaceae one-sided wintergreen Mossy coniferous forests, submontane to subalpine Dry to moist ra/ d3.jpg images/big/26.jpg
Rosaceae wild strawberry Open forests, disturbed sites, submontane to subalpine Dry to moist
Rosaceae Saskatoon Open forests, grasslands Dry to moist elanchier.jpg
Rosaceae birch-leaved spirea Open forests Dry to moist old/5_jokyo/flowerphoto/marubashimotuke3_ JPG r/Spiraeabetulifolia_liten.jpg
Parmeliaceae Pelt lichen Over moss, humus, rocks, decaying logs in open forests Dry to moist BBuskerud%2BSigdal_O%3DTimdal_D%3D _C%3DET_I%3D1.jpg
Parmeliaceae red-stemmed feathermoss Coniferous forest floors, on humus and logs, submontane-subalpine Dry to moist
Parmeliaceae knight’s plume Coniferous forest floors, on humus, logs, rocks, submontane-subalpine Dry to moist crista-castrensis.jpg
Poaceae bluejoint Forests, meadows, wetlands, clearings Moist to wet nocots/Calamagrotis%20C.jpg © Adolf Ceska
Cyperaceae sedge Commonly in fens, bogs, wetlands, wet forests, lakeshores Mostly wet © Ewan Anderson
Asteraceae arrow-leaved groundsel Meadows, streambanks, slide tracks, open forest, mostly subalpine-alpine Moist to wet triangularis-1.jpg elserpb/5_12_09_1/12May2008/Se necioTriangularis5.jpg.thb.jpg
Betulaceae scrub birch Fens, wetlands, seepage areas, streambanks, montane subalpine Moist to wet
Betulaceae mountain alder Edges of streams, ponds, lakes, swamps; submontane subalpine Moist to wet
Caprifoliaceae Utah honeysuckle Forest openings + clearings Moist to wet Source: Walter Sigmund
Caprifoliaceae black twinberry Moist forests, clearings, riparian areas, swamps Moist to wet _full/lonicera_involucrata_a.jpg
Ericaceae trapper’s tea Montane conifer forests, bogs, wet depressions, acidic soils Moist to wet org/wikipedia/commons /7/70/Ledum_glandulos um_7486.JPG ereilaimages/TrappersTe a.jpg
Ranunculaceae globe flower Meadows, seepage sites, streambanks, high-elevation snowbeds Wet mages/trollius/t_laxus.jpg
Salicaceae willow Riparian areas, meadows, wetlands, moist clearings Fresh to wet %20integra%20'Flamingo'%20(6).jpg /wikipedia/commons/3/3e/ Willow_Salix_babylonica.jpg
Parmeliaceae reindeer lichens Open conifer forests, submontane-subalpine Dry to wet Photos/D3/Cladina_rangiferina- AE5FEC4C53.jpg