Safety Tutorial for Pharmaceutical Clerk Mrs. Parry Coordinator of Work-Based Learning
2 Training Tasks for Job Title Personal Protective EquipmentPersonal Protective Equipment Hazardous ChemicalsHazardous Chemicals Blood borne pathogensBlood borne pathogens Floors, doors, exitsFloors, doors, exits FireFire ErgonomicsErgonomics Injury ReportingInjury Reporting
3 Pre-Test TRUE OR FALSE: Your boss is required by law to train you if you are exposed or likely to be exposed to a hazardous substance.Your boss is required by law to train you if you are exposed or likely to be exposed to a hazardous substance. If you are injured on the job, the first thing you should do is go home.If you are injured on the job, the first thing you should do is go home. Your boss can fire you for refusing to perform unsafe work.Your boss can fire you for refusing to perform unsafe work. People who work in offices don't have to worry about workplace health and safety.People who work in offices don't have to worry about workplace health and safety. Most on-the-job injuries to young people take place in the service industry.Most on-the-job injuries to young people take place in the service industry.
4 Personal Protective Equipment Lab coatLab coat Non-slip shoesNon-slip shoes Protective eye wearProtective eye wear
5 Chemical Hazards Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) Hazardous Communication Standard (HCS)Hazardous Communication Standard (HCS) Powders, dusts, vapors, & liquidsPowders, dusts, vapors, & liquids
6 Blood borne Pathogens Gloves & masksGloves & masks Resuscitation apparatusResuscitation apparatus Trained PersonnelTrained Personnel Open woundsOpen wounds
7 Floors, Doors, Exits Closest exit locationClosest exit location Alternate exit locationAlternate exit location Wet floorsWet floors Doors to Pharmacy should remain locked at all times.Doors to Pharmacy should remain locked at all times.
8 Fire Where are the fire extinguishers?Where are the fire extinguishers? Where are the fire alarms?Where are the fire alarms?
9 Ergonomic Hazards WorkstationWorkstation StandingStanding Lifting and turningLifting and turning
10 HOW and to WHOM DO YOU REPORT AN INJURY Emergency personnelEmergency personnel SecuritySecurity Supervisor or ManagerSupervisor or Manager Report verballyReport verbally Help fill out accident report if possible.Help fill out accident report if possible.
11 When and where do injuries occur Service IndustryService Industry PharmacyPharmacy AnywhereAnywhere
12 Patient Safety Name verificationName verification Prescription verificationPrescription verification Drug information & safety counselingDrug information & safety counseling
13 TRUE OR FALSE: 1.Your boss is required by law to train you if you are exposed or likely to be exposed to a hazardous substance. 2.If you are injured on the job, the first thing you should do is go home. 3.Your boss can fire you for refusing to perform unsafe work. 4.Doors to the pharmacy should always be locked. 5.Most on-the-job injuries to young people take place in the service industry.
14 TRUE OR FALSE: 6.Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) must be posted and available for employees to access. 7.It is not necessary to offer counseling to customers regarding the drugs they are taking because they have all of the information is in writing. 8.It doesn’t matter how you are positioned at your desk. 9.People who work in offices don't have to worry about workplace health and safety. 10.If someone has an open wound, the first thing you should do is rush to the person and begin first aid.