1 CST 101 Information Competency 2008 Session 1
2 Session Outcomes Know the first steps in the research process Find articles in Academic Search Elite database Evaluate information sources – Primary and Secondary – Currency
3 The Research Process Information Sources Types of information sources – Books – Magazines – What else? Understand what information sources you need. – Read your assignment; ask your instructor!
4 Finding articles in Academic Search Elite Academic Search Elite is a periodical database What’s a database? What’s a periodical? Why use CSUMB Library databases? Materials selected by information professionals Up-to-date information Better organized than the Internet
5 Four Main Search Types Title – When do you use a title search? Author – When do you use an author search? Keyword – What is a keyword search? Subject – A subject is a topic
6 Using Article Databases CSUMB Library homepage Databases by subject Databases A—Z Full-text databases and indexes – What is a citation? – What is an abstract?
7 Keyword Searching In Academic Search Elite Library homepage Academic Search Elite interface Default fields. What are fields? Limit Your Results section – Published date – Scholarly or peer reviewed – Publication type Full-text limit – Beware!
8 Evaluating Currency Currency relates to the date of an information source. It is current if it is recent Is currency always important in research?
9 Academic Search Elite A uthor Search Exercise Find articles written by Rachel Halliburton. How many articles by Ms. Halliburton did you find? 5 minutes
10 Combination Keyword Searches with AND Internet searches are keyword searches – How do keyword searches work? Use combination searches to combine different concepts in one search – Censorship AND books Called the Boolean and
11 Boolean Diagram Dark hair Piercings
12 Boolean AND Exercise Keyword search “censorship.” – How many hits? In the next search box add “books.” – How many hits? In the last search box add “united states.” – How many hits? What happens when adding AND? This is a Boolean, or combination, search.
13 Combination Search with OR OR broadens a search ships Either boats OR synonyms
14 Boolean OR Exercise Search on “chicanos” – How many hits? Use pull down box on second search line to “OR” and type “mexican americans.” – How many hits? Use “OR” to add “latinos” – How many hits? Why use Boolean OR in a search strategy? 8 minutes
15 Search Strategy is... the type of search and search terms used vandalism of churches in California What search terms would you use to find articles about vandalism of churches in California? What are the main concepts in the topic below? The influence of mass media on recent violence against women in the United States
16 Finding Search Terms Exercise Part I of “Keyword and Primary/Secondary Exercises” Circle the main concepts/ideas in the two sentences. 5 minutes
17 Evaluation of Information Sources Primary and Secondary Literature Primary sources/literature are...? – Primary source in art? – Other examples of primary sources? Secondary sources/literature are...? – Examples of secondary sources?
18 Evaluate Primary/Secondary and Currency “News Portrayal of Violence and Women.” Primary or secondary? Why? The influence of mass media on recent violence against women Is currency important to this topic? – What does currency mean? How to search for “current” information
19 Primary/Secondary Exercise Part II “Keyword and Primary/Secondary Exercises” Determine if the following two citations are primary or secondary sources, using the checklists as guides. 8 minutes
20 Additional Primary/Secondary Exercise If there are 25 minutes left in the session... Students will come up to the instructor computer and look for an article on their topic. Class will determine if it is primary or secondary 15 minutes
21 Session 1 Assessment 10 minutes