What is the content of the picture? Read the three Passages about the D-Day landings and answer the questions. 1.Where do you think the first.


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Presentation transcript:

What is the content of the picture?

Read the three Passages about the D-Day landings and answer the questions. 1.Where do you think the first passage is taken from ? ( a) a history book ( b) a newspaper article 2. What do you think the second passage is? (a) a government report on the war. (b) the history of a particular group of soldiers 3. What is different about the third passage? (a ) It refers to an event related to the war. (b) It refers to an event before the war. The key: 1______ 2. ______ 3. ________ ( b) (a)

Read passage 1 again and answer the questions. What event started the Second World War? What was the purpose of operation overlord? What nationality were the troops who took part in the operation? Where was the most dangerous place to land? Was Operation Overlord successful? Germany’s invasion of Poland To invade France British, American and Canadian Omaha Beach Yes, it was.

Language points 1.In September 1939, Britain declared war on Germany after Germany invaded Poland 年 9 月, 英国在德国入侵波兰后向德国宣战。 declare “ 宣布, 声称, 声明 ”, 常根名词, 从句和 复合结构。 跟名词 After that the United States declared war on/upon Japan. 之后, 美国对日本宣战。

跟从句 The accused man declared that he was not guilty. 被控告者声称他无罪。 跟复合结构: He declared himself to be a member of their party. 他声称自己是他们派别中人。 Operation Overlord started when boats full of soldiers landed on the beaches of Normandy in France, known as the D-Day landings.

本句中 known as the D-Day landing 是定语, 相当于 which was known as the D-Day landings, 用来修饰 前面整个句子。 Operation Overlord started as a story of danger and confusion and ended as a story of bravery and acts of heroism. 霸王行动以惊险和混乱开始, 以英勇和无畏结束。 Operation “ 活动, 作战行动 ” Read passage 2 again and choose the correct endings to the sentences.

1.When the Germans started firing at the boats, _______. ( a ) the boats were so far from the beach that they weren’t hit. ( b) the boats were one kilometer from the beach. 2.When Boats 5 was hit by a shell, ________. ( a ) everyone was killed ( b) most of the men were rescued from the water. 3.The men from Boat 3 had problems in the water because _________. ( a) their backpacks were too heavy. ( b) the water was too deep. (a) (b)

Six men tried to climb up the cliff and ________. ( a) some of them managed to reach the top ( b) all of them reached the top. Two of the soldiers from Able Company________. ( a) stayed on the beach. ( b) met some other soldiers. (a) (b) Language points: If they had reached the beach, they would probably have been killed. 要是他们抵达了海滩就很有可能没命了。

虚拟语气表示与过去事实相反的假设 If fact they were not killed because they didn’t reach the beach. Able Company: A 连 The survivors lay on the beach, exhausted and shocked. 死里逃生的战士躺在海滩上, 疲惫不堪, 心有余悸. “ exhausted and shocked” 是过去分词作状语, 表示 状态.

The boy went back home, depressed. He turned away, disappointed.

Read passage 3 again and answer the questions. Why was 6 June 2004 an important date for the survivors? Why do you think so many soldier were never found? In your own words, what does the poem say about the lost soldiers? It was the 60th anniversary of the landings. They were drowned or blown up. It says that they are not really lost because we will always remember them.

Language points: 1.for the Fallen 致倒下的战士 2.They shall not grow old, as we that are left grow old. Age shall not weary them, not the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning. We will remember them. 他们永远不会衰老, 当我们活着的人们都已老朽, 年华 不能使他们厌倦, 岁月也不会使他们愧疚. 日落日出, 我 们缅怀他们直到永久.

Condemn “ to say that somebody is,or has done something wrong We all condemn cruelty to children. 我们一致谴责虐待儿童的行为.