Intervention rationales / principles Intervention objectiveActivity examples (not an exhaustive list ) To meet critical food and non-food needs to save lives, livelihoods, and restore access to and availability of food Food gaps can be meet through the provision of food and/or cash transfers (to purchase food). In some instances food vouchers can also be used Critical needs to save livelihoods and restore availability of food, seeds & tools distributions, etc. For vulnerable households, these transfers can be targeted through labour-based activitiesthat restore/create household and community assets that have a direct benefit to their longer term access to and availability of food to support their lives and livelihoods - i.e. clearing roads for market access/humanitarian assistance to reach affected populations; emergency clearing of water and drainage systems; clearing of agricultural/irrigated land, etc. These programmes are not employment-generation schemes, but asset creation through food or cash (F/CFA)
Examples of cash as a transfer modality Intervention objectiveActivity examples (not an exhaustive list )Cluster Provide a direct transfer to the most vulnerable to (a) cover their food gap; and/or (b) cover their critical non- food needs to improve their access to and availability of food. These transfers can be linked to restore/create critical household and community assets through Cash for Assets (CFA). For access to food/diversified food basket * CT to either meet part or all of the food gap. For access to essential non-food needs * CT to purchase fertilizers, fishing nets etc. Links to asset HH/community asset creation: *CFA for Building/repair of boats *CFA for de-silting irrigation canals *CFA for agriculture/fisheries inputs FSAC Supporting market actors to improve community level food availability CT for traders dealing in food commoditiesFSAC For Cash for Work please see summary of minimum wage attached with this presentation. Cash for work is a kind of cash transfer for creation of community assets.
Cash transfer value for food basket Recommended food baskets (family of 5) – 4300 – 4500 pesos -This cash transfer value is recommended by WFP based on its assessments in the regions. -This transfer value is for both rice and non rice items and will meet the minimum kcal value of 2100 per person per day. -FSAC partners can align their cash transfer values for food basket to this but are also encouraged to base it on their assessments in their particular operational area as prices may differ. -This transfer value can be a stand alone for food basket or a part of a bigger cash transfer to meet food and non food requirements.
Cash transfer values/costs for agriculture Agriculture inputsPrice 1 bag/ha rice seed PhP per bag 1 bag/ha corn seed PhP per bag FertilizerPhP 900 per bag AbacaPhP 15 per plantlet LabourPhP 2 for every live abaca Coconut tree disposal and utilization labour (November 27 to EO 2014) Php 300/person-days, Est. manpower is 250,008 person-days to dispose 500,000 trees (Government Physical target: 250,008 ha) Coconut fertilization (November 27 to EO 2014) Cost/ha fertilization is Php 24,500 (Government Physical target: 68,660 ha) Coconut replanting (January – June 2014)30 PhP per coconut seedling; Php 15,760 per hectare Inter-cropping (in cleared areas where coconuts have been replanted) Php 8,000/hectare (Government Physical target: 199,488ha)
Cash transfer values/costs for fisheries