Obtain information from family members. Living family members (immediate and extended). 4 generation pedigree chart starting with yourself. Back to the first line of deceased ancestors. Obtain birth, christening, marriage, death, burial, LDS ordinances each individual. Due: When you attend your first lab
PAF 5.2 Ancestral Quest Roots Magic Legacy PURPOSE: manage your own records, add/delete/source information, perfect information before submitting to the church.
The Common Pedigree New FamilySearch (new.familysearch.org) Family Tree (labs.familysearch.com) PURPOSE: connect all family lines and link all of God’s children back to Adam.
Personal Ancestral File Database used to organize family records Free from familysearch.org
Names need to be as complete as possible. Names are recorded in spoken order. Use "or" to indicate an individual was known by more than one name. Martha or Patsy Dandridge These abbreviations: Jr., Sr., III, etc. go after the Surname. If known, use the wife's maiden name. "Mrs." is the only title that should be used when identifying an individual.
Do not: Place titles in name fields. Sir, Mr., etc. Place occupations in name fields. farmer, doctor, shipwright, etc. Use other descriptors in name fields. twin, a year, place, etc.
Dates need to be as complete as possible. Dates should be written as day, month, year. Use three-letter abbreviations for months. 3 Apr 1836
Entered as city/town, county, state, country. Use commas to separate localities Farmington, Davis, Utah, United States Do not use two letter abbreviations for states. ID
Try it yourself! Create a PAF file using the PAF tutorial as your guide found at and enter in as much information as you can. From your ward clerk: Obtain you confirmation date Obtain your LDS membership number (Both of these can be found on an Individual Ordinance Summary that you can get from your ward clerk)