Middle School Design Team (MSDT) Phase II: Revised Draft Recommendations Rigor, Relevance, and Responsiveness (R 3 ) April 14, 2009
Guiding Principles Provide student/staff teams, that lead to a nurturing, supportive environment for learningProvide student/staff teams, that lead to a nurturing, supportive environment for learning Commit to success for all students through flexible grouping of students in heterogeneous teamsCommit to success for all students through flexible grouping of students in heterogeneous teams Advocate for and support the developmental needs, interests, and talents of all middle school studentsAdvocate for and support the developmental needs, interests, and talents of all middle school students Differentiate learning opportunities for studentsDifferentiate learning opportunities for students Provide flexibility in scheduling to best meet student needs on teams, at grade levels, and in schoolsProvide flexibility in scheduling to best meet student needs on teams, at grade levels, and in schools Engage and educate families and the wider community to actively support middle school studentsEngage and educate families and the wider community to actively support middle school students
Key Components Grade level teamsGrade level teams –Interdisciplinary team configurations –Common planning time Individual teacher planning timeIndividual teacher planning time Interdisciplinary approach to teaching/curriculumInterdisciplinary approach to teaching/curriculum Teacher-student advisory programTeacher-student advisory program A clearly articulated exploratory/electives programA clearly articulated exploratory/electives program A comprehensive after-school activity programA comprehensive after-school activity program Inclusive opportunities for all studentsInclusive opportunities for all students
Charge Building upon the work of the Middle School Design Team Phase I, develop options that will allow the Superintendent to make short and/or long term recommendations concerning the following: Alternative/hybrid schedules Alternative/hybrid schedules –Core –Electives (Encore) –Middle School instructional and activities times Elective course offerings Elective course offerings Extended instruction in core classes in response to student need as revealed through achievement data Extended instruction in core classes in response to student need as revealed through achievement data Teacher/Advisory time and delivery Teacher/Advisory time and delivery Professional development: Professional development: –Adolescent learning theory –Summer Institutes and Small Learning Communities –Maximizing benefits of flexible scheduling
Develop a pilot alternative schedule that allows for extended instruction in core subjects (English, math, reading (Grade 6), science, and social studies), through the use of: 1. a combination of traditional and block scheduling that considers extended instruction time in one or more core areas for some or all students 2. longer blocks of time that can be utilized for curriculum activities and other instructional experiences to minimize impact upon other courses 3. strategically implemented quarter or alternate day electives in Grades 7 and 8 in addition to existing semester and year long courses to ensure that students have additional support in reading and math, as warranted, and still be provided with elective opportunities 4. strategically implemented alternate day or quarter scheduling in Grade 6 for students selecting foreign language/elective or foreign language/other options Draft Recommendations -- Scheduling
Continue to provide Teacher Advisories in the middle school that align with District goals and objectives, engages families, and fosters increased one-on-one adult-student relationships that help build a sense of community for students through: 1. a consistent meeting time within the week (at least three times within each week) in the a.m. that includes information sharing with families 2. a consistent developmental curriculum that allows for the social emotional development of the middle school child 3. a flexible format that allows for periodic extended meeting time to facilitate team based activities or academic support Draft Recommendations – T/A
Provide for an elective program that stresses the value of the arts and other electives for their importance to the whole child and that: 1. maintains existing elective course offerings based upon student enrollment and interest 2. provides a Grade 6 foreign language elective option that is not for high school credit and is proficiency oriented to accommodate students with formal elementary language proficiency instruction as well as students who are beginning foreign language learning 3. explicitly reinforces reading, writing, and math concepts as appropriate 4. considers inclusion of a remediation/acceleration elective offering that incorporates technology and non-fiction reading and writing and offered to students in Grades 7 and 8 5. encourages opportunities for student participation in after school classes that are part of the school’s flexible master schedule that reflect the needs and interests of students; allows for cross-graded course enrollment when appropriate; and enhances and or extends the existing electives program Draft Recommendations – Electives
Provide support for middle school instructional staff through ongoing, sustained, and embedded professional development in the areas of: 1. best practices related to the use of block scheduling. 2. early adolescent learning theory 3. effective teacher advisory programs 4. integration of reading and writing in elective and core content areas As determined in the development of the pilot program, redirection of resources or additional resources could be identified and requested in support of pilot implementation. Any such requests that require budgetary or policy changes must be approved by the School Board. Draft Recommendations – Support
Next Steps Share recommendations with stakeholders Early-April 2009 Recommendations to Superintendent Mid-April 2009 Superintendent reports to School Board May 2009 Summer professional development July – August 2009 Develop pilot September 2009– January 2010 Implement pilot September 2010
12 parents/residents12 parents/residents 6 administrators6 administrators 6 Central Office staff6 Central Office staff 12 School-Based staff12 School-Based staff 1 High School teacher1 High School teacher 1 Elementary School teacher1 Elementary School teacher 1 AEA representative1 AEA representative Assistant Superintendent, InstructionAssistant Superintendent, Instruction Staff Liaisons:Staff Liaisons: –Special Projects Coordinator –Special Projects Specialist Membership