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Warning and Regulatory signs QUIZ
A) Ped-Xing not allowed not allowed B) Pedestrians not allowed not allowed C) Parking only on Parkway on Parkway D) No Parking 1)
A) Road is narrowing narrowing B) Left lane is ending ending C) Merge D) Right lane ending ending 2)
Hint: You will often see this sign by it… A) Narrow Bridge Bridge B) Pavement is narrowing narrowing C) Construction site ahead site ahead D) Bridge ahead 3)
A) Adjoining Lane Lane B) Side road from the right from the right C) Right lane is ending ending D) Merge 4)
A) Center strip ahead strip ahead B) Divided Hwy. Ahead Ahead C) Divided Hwy. Ends Ends D) Keep Right 5)
A) Runaway truck ramp ramp B) Trucks B) Trucks entering entering highway highway C) Hill D) Weigh station ahead ahead 6)
A) Curves ahead B) Caution ahead C) Icy roads ahead ahead D) Slippery when wet 7)
A) County route B) US highway C) Interstate D) State route 8)
A) Chain gang worker ahead worker ahead B) Construction zone ending zone ending C) Men working D) Flag person ahead ahead 9)
A) Winding road B) Left curve right curve right curve C) Mountain road D) Detour ahead ahead 10)
A) Merge from the right the right B) Side road on the right the right C) 3-way stop ahead ahead D) Uncontrolled intersection intersection 11)
A) Highway ahead ahead B) Hospital C) Hamburgers and hotdogs and hotdogs D) Public housing area ahead area ahead 12)
? ? ? ? ? ?_______ 13)
A) 12 – 6 = 6 B) 12 ft, 6 inch wide road C) 12 ft, 6 inch high clearance D) No 12 X 6 ton trucks 14)
15) A) Hill ahead B) Nuclear plant C) Construction Site D) Falling Rock
A) Curve ahead B) Turn ahead C) Right curve ahead ahead D) Right turn ahead ahead 16)
A) Merge B) Adjoining Lane C) Right lane ends D) Two lanes into one 17)
??? _______ 18)
A) Road curves to the left B) Detour ahead C)Road changes direction D) Hazard marker 19)
A) US Highway B) County route C) State route D) Interstate 20)
A) County route B) US highway C) Interstate D) State route 21)
??? _________ 22)
A) Road curves to the left B) Divided highway ends C) Keep to the right D) Detour ahead 23)
A) Two way traffic B) Hill up then hill down C)Change in direction D) Detours ahead 24)
??? __________ 25)
Extra Credit True or False: This sign indicates a Railroad to the right.
Let’s correct our answers Let’s correct our answers
A) Ped-Xing not allowed not allowed B) Pedestrians not allowed not allowed C) Parking only on Parkway on Parkway D) No Parking 1)
A) Road is narrowing narrowing B) Left lane is ending ending C) Merge D) Right lane ending (best answer) ending (best answer) 2)
Hint: You will often see this sign by it… A) Narrow Bridge Bridge B) Pavement is narrowing narrowing C) Construction site ahead site ahead D) Bridge ahead 3)
A) Adjoining Lane Lane B) Side road from the right from the right C) Right lane is ending ending D) Merge 4)
A) Center strip ahead strip ahead B) Divided Hwy. Ahead Ahead C) Divided Hwy. Ends Ends D) Keep Right 5)
A) Runaway truck ramp ramp B) Trucks B) Trucks entering entering highway highway C) Hill D) Weigh station ahead ahead 6)
A) Curves ahead B) Caution ahead C) Icy roads ahead ahead D) Slippery when wet 7)
A) County route B) US highway C) Interstate D) State route 8)
A) Chain gang worker ahead worker ahead B) Construction zone ending zone ending C) Men working D) Flag person ahead ahead 9)
A) Winding road B) Left curve right curve right curve C) Mountain road D) Detour ahead ahead 10)
A) Merge from the right the right B) Side road on the right the right C) 3-way stop ahead ahead D) Uncontrolled intersection intersection 11)
A) Highway ahead ahead B) Hospital C) Hamburgers and hotdogs and hotdogs D) Public housing area ahead area ahead 12)
? ? ? ? ? ?_______ 13)
A) 12 – 6 = 6 B) 12 ft, 6 inch wide road C) 12 ft, 6 inch high clearance D) No 12 X 6 ton trucks 14)
15) A) Hill ahead B) Nuclear plant C) Construction Site D) Falling Rock
A) Curve ahead B) Turn ahead C) Right curve ahead ahead D) Right turn ahead ahead 16)
A) Merge B) Adjoining Lane C) Right lane ends D) Two lanes into one 17)
??? _______ 18)
A) Road curves to the left B) Detour ahead C)Road changes direction D) Hazard marker 19)
A) US Highway B) County route C) State route D) Interstate 20)
A) County route B) US highway C) Interstate D) State route 21)
??? _________ 22)
A) Road curves to the left B) Divided highway ends C) Keep to the right D) Detour ahead 23)
A) Two way traffic B) Hill up then hill down C)Change in direction D) Detours ahead 24)
??? __________ 25)
Extra Credit True or False: This sign indicates a Railroad to the right.
Subtract the number incorrect from 25