Unit 5: Going Out of Business
1- Is Colin’s Coffee Shop open or closed? How do you Know? 2- What does “out of business” mean? 3- Do you know of a store in your city or community that went out of business?
Why do some stores close and put that notice “ For Sale” ? What does “out of business” mean? What are chain stores? What are family-owned businesses? Why are large chain stores killing family- owned businesses? Some small stores / family- owned businesses are going out of business these days. This is because chain stores are more powerful with money and other facilities. They are usually owned by large companies.
Chain stores 1-Owned by companies such as Carrefour. 2- Popular and successful everywhere. Example: Hyperpanda and Carrefour Locally owned stores or businesses 1-Owned by families or individuals. 2- Face difficulties because they don’t have much money and cannot stand competition with chain stores. Example: small supermarkets
Compete ( verb ) Competition ( noun ) Benefit ( noun ) Discount ( noun ) Employee ( noun ) Increase ( noun / verb ) X decrease Loyal ( adjective ) Selection ( noun ) Owner ( noun ) Customers ( noun ) Chain ( noun )
1- There are two restaurants nearby. The two restaurants compete. a____ to become more in price or number b____ to try to be the best at something 2-One benefit of living in a big city is public transportation. a_____ choice B_____ a good thing; something that is helpful to you 3-These shirts usually cost 25 riyals. Today, they are only 20 riyals. What a great discount! a____ a lower price than usual B____ to become more in price or number 4- The prices at the clothing store increase every year. Clothing is getting very expensive. A_____ to become more in price or number B_____ to become less in price and number
5- I’m not the boss. I’m an employee. A____ people who buy things from a store or company B_____ a person who works in a store or company 6- My mother shops at Hyperpanda. She is a loyal customer. A_____ not changing; faithful B_____ a person who has or owns something 7- I like large stores because they have a better selection. I can find everything I need. A____ a bad thing B____ choice 8- This is my shop. I am the owner. A____ a person who works in a shop B_____ a person who has or owns something
9- Hyperpanda has a lot of customers. A lot of people like to buy from there. A_____ a person who has or owns something B______ people who buy things from a store or company