“CITRIS Education Initiative” September 18th, 2001
Main topics from Education Plan in the original CITRIS proposal Tele-laboratories and smart classrooms (Mechanical Rapid-Prototyping, MEMS, Microlab, Robotics in CS and IEOR) Masters degrees for professionals Merced collaboration based on WISE New graduate courses Connections: 4 UC campuses and their units
UC-MERCED: Schedule (Draft) Timetable –By Fall 2002 offer CS3 (Introduction to Symbolic Computing for Non Majors) Instructors and freshmen at local remote learning centers (the main campus will not be open but students will enroll in local community colleges) –By Other courses Juniors will be on campus at that time
WISE: overview of current work Mike Clancy, Marcia Linn, Jim Slotta –Innovative combination of School of Education’s pedagogical research with CS... Extend CS3 findings to other CS subjects –Expect Merced faculty (and others) will use in course design and organization of material Establish tools then use in other engineering disciplines and subjects (Chem 1a.)
For immediate delivery to Merced... Course components of CS3 Lecture excerpts, Labs, Homework & Exams Database that organizes them Links and dependencies among components Rationale for each component Critical review facility for sample courses
Ongoing research in WISE Enhance role of instructor as learning partner Curriculum designer for project based CS courses Course builder for individual tailoring of material Customizer for different aptitudes/levels Portal with links to other resources
Additional Recommendation from COE committee on Distance Learning Management of Technology (MOT) is an ongoing “success story” that integrates expertise from the College of Engineering and the Haas School of Business Other than Merced, it has the ‘quickest hit’ potential for CITRIS’s Distance Learning Mission –Core group of faculty interested in offering a Masters Program in MOT by Distance Learning (passed through Graduate Study Committee and being refined)
Longer Term Plan Other degree programs in focus areas –High performance Communication Networks –Wireless Systems –Embedded Computing –MEMS –Internet-based Design, Manufacturing, and Commerce
Short term experiments ME221 (High Tech Product Design and Rapid Manufacturing) –“Regular” ME graduate class in the 203 TV studio in McLauglin also being Webcast to Intel, Sony and NEC in Santa Clara locations (~ 12 off-campus students) –Will design products, send files to Berkeley’s CyberCut/CyberBuild system for Internet-based manufacturing etc...
Remote Students Final FDM Casing CyberCut/CyberBuil d
Example of 1) teaching and 2) research at other campuses E.g. Professor Mantey at Santa Cruz –1) Matched pair of classrooms between main campus and Cupertino -- Supports synchronous delivery of an MS in Network Engineering –2) Research on a) computer supported collaborative protocols, b) floor controls, c) smart notes, d) on-line office hours, e) multi- party visualizations…etc...
Education Council; activities at other campuses; intra-campus units Education Council: Paul Wright, Marcia Linn, Mike Berkeley, Pat UCSC, Jeff UCM, Yoo or UCD Intra-campus collaboration example: the Educational Technology Committee at Berkeley led by Christina Maslach and Philip Stark. Webcasting based on 1995 work by Berkeley Multimedia Research Center (BMRC), being used by Educational Technology Services (ETS) and by Information Systems and Technology (ITS)
Resummarizing the Education Plan Tele-laboratories (Mechanical Rapid-Prototyping, MEMS, Microlab, Robotics ) Masters degrees for professionals Merced collaboration New graduate courses Connections with other campuses and units
End…but also see additional slides and please come to afternoon session on tele- laboratories and smart class-rooms Invitation for collaboration…possibilities... –Better HCI interfaces for smart classrooms –Expansion of tele-laboratory access and use –Visualization tools for collaboration –A generalized assessment module for cross disciplinary purposes –Content providers –Networking support for collaboration
Recent Presentation on Facilities CITRIS Lunch meeting March 9th 2001
Facilities Distributed Life Long Learning Center Tele-Accessible laboratories Adult Professionals Extensive Webcasting to Berkeley and Merced
Expanded equipment in 4 Tele- accessible Laboratories = (4 million ) MicroLab MEMS lab Mechanical rapid prototyping Tele-robots
11 Full-sized Studios based on current usage of 203 McLaughlin = rate of expansion New Davis CITRIS building = 2 studios Soda 2 CITRIS = 1 studio Modernized Sibley Auditorium = 1 studio Etcheverry Room 1165 = 1 studio Old Davis Room XX expansion = 1 studio School of Information and Management Sciences = 1 studio Haas School of Business (MOT) = 2 studios Richmond Field Station Studios (for PATH connections) 2 studios
11 Full-sized Studios = (11 Million) continued Build-out of auditoriums=$500,000 Video Equipment/controls $500,000 –Total = $1,000,000 per studio
Seminar Rooms for Hybrids (part on-campus-student, part on-internet-student) New Davis CITRIS building –4 hybrid-seminar rooms Soda 2 CITRIS – 2 hybrid-seminar rooms Haas School of Business (especially for MOT degree) – 4 hybrid-seminar rooms
Staff One on-the-spot technician per studio Five overseeing high level senior technicians Ad hoc course development services Guaranteed TAs
Staff Costs Video-Technician - Per studio (100 k salary/fringes) = $1,100,000 p.a. Oversight technical directors - 5 (140 k salary/fr) = $700,000 p.a. Overall Life Long Learning Director - (200 k sl/fr) = $200,000 p.a. Assistant Director - (100 k sl/fr) = $100,000 p.a. Faculty director buy-out - (50%) = $80,000 p.a. AA2’s - 4 (50 k salary) = $200,000 p.a.
Running Costs $1,000,000 p.a. –Computers/Repairs –Licenses –Publications –Advertising –“ILP” type meetings
Total budget needs for Berkeley to Silicon Valley Year 1 –Construction Buildouts, Video, Networking = $20,000,000 Staff and Running Costs = $3,380,000 Year 2 Staff and Running Costs = $3,380,000 Year 3 Staff and Running Costs = $3,380,000 Year 4 Staff and Running Costs = $3,380,000
Grand Total $33,520,000
Recent Presentation on Degrees April 12th 2001
COE Faculty Meeting April 2001 Recommendations from two committees –Instructional Technology & Distance Learning –Management of Technology
MOT Background Seven MOT core courses already exist to provide an integrated view of critical aspects of technology management -- Many related courses for students Very successful lecture series each semester Conferences this Spring Digital Music (w/Boalt) Digital Television / Internet Convergence (w/Boalt)
New staff have made big differences... Susan Reneau - Hired as AA3 in January of 2000 to register students, update Web etc., Drew Isaacs - Hired by Haas in August 1999 to teach a course and then, in addition, hired from May 2000 as MOT Executive Director. Also since January 2001, co- funded by COE as Executive Director
Proposed Distance Learning Masters Degree Berkeley (COE + Haas Studios) Silicon Valley studio Tokyo Some classes could be simultaneous: 7am-2pm in Tokyo = 2pm-9pm in Berkeley Others could be non-simultaneous like the present BIBS system
Masters Degree in MOT Two years likely: 2 classes per semester –Required courses in both engineering and business to maintain balance 24 units in total 7 main classes + 1 independent study Summer residence period
Possible costs of Masters in MOT Published cost based on Stanford’s TV programs $3,600 per course = $28,800 total Partners such as NEC will support students
Issues being hammered out now... Administration –Which system will register students and track progress and grades? (IDS + Haas office?) –How will individual instructors be rewarded in their various donors accounts? Media –What specific formats will we use to deliver instruction? Outreach –How many industrial partners needed beyond NEC?
CITRIS related Innovations in Distance Learning Professional Degrees and Certificates by Distance Learning Undergraduate Educational Investments at Berkeley and Merced A Tele-Laboratory Center Micro Lab ( +MEMS ) in EECS Rapid prototyping lab in ME Robotics labs in IEOR, EECS, and ME
A personal view... “The ‘life-experience’ of a campus is personal contact, discussion, and dialogue among students and faculty. This must remain the ‘gold standard’ for a Berkeley degree. But the CITRIS life-long learning center can provide the pre-campus (e.g. PCA…), and post-campus experiences (e.g. MOT and MEMS degrees in the Valley...)”