Properties of Multiplication Commutative Property of Multiplication If the order of factors changes, the product stays the same. 4 X 8 = 8 X 4 3 X 7 = 7 X 3
Properties Associative Property of Multiplication If the grouping of factors changes, the product stays the same. 11 X ( 3 X 6 ) = ( 11 X 3 ) X 6
Properties of Multiplication Identity Property of Multiplication The product of any number and 1 is that number. 4 X 1 = X 1 = X 1 =2345
Properties of Multiplication Zero Property of Multiplication Any number multiplied by 0 is zero 7 X 0 = 0 35 X 0 = 0 5,678 X 0 = 0
Properties of Multiplication Write the name of the Multiplication Property shown in the number sentence. 3 X 4 = n X 3 n = _______ _________________Property
Properties of Multiplication Solve for n and name the property. 9 X n = 0 n = _____ ______________________Property
Properties of Multiplication Which multiplication property is shown in the number sentence: 7 X 11 = 11 X 7 ____________________Property
Properties of Multiplication Which expression gives a product of 210? (5 X 6) – 7 (5 X 6) X 7 (5 + 6) X 7 6 X 3 X 7
Properties of Multiplication Solve the equation, identify the property. 4 X (8 X d) = (4 X 8) X 7 d = ______ _________________Property 9 X y = 0 y = ____ _________Property n X 43 = 43 X 3 n= ____ ___________________Property
Properties of Multiplication (6 X 7) X 2 = 6 X (n X 2) n = _____ ___________________Property 5 X n = 5 n = _____ ____________Property 1 X k = 165 k = _____ __________Property 112 X 9 = n X 112 n = ____ _________Property
Properties of Multiplication Identify the property. a x b = b X a ________________Property a X 0 = 0 __________________Property A X 1 = a ____________________Property a X (b X c) = ( a X b) x c ___________Property (a X b) X c = b X (a X c) ________________Property and _______________ Property
Properties of Multiplication Tell where to place the parentheses to make the equation true. 8 X divided by 2 = 44
Properties of Multiplication Keri has 8 shelves with the same number of DVDs on each shelf. Malik has 5 shelves with 8 DVDs DVDs on each shelf. They have the same number of DVDs. How many DVDs does Keri have on each shelf? Name the Property used.
Properties of Multiplication A group of shoppers enters a store together. Six of the shoppers go into the first aisle. Half of the remaining group goes into the second aisle. The other 7 shoppers go into the third aisle. How many shoppers entered the store?
Properties of Multiplication Tina builds a display of canned pumpkin pie filling. The first layer has 64 cans, the second has 32 cans, and the third has 16 cans. Tina follows this pattern until the top layer has only 1 can. How many layers are in the display? Explain the method you used to solve
Properties of Multiplication On an index card with your name, Explain how one of the properties can help make it easier to find the value of n. ( 16 X 72) X n = 0 Then Text page 259 # 2 to 23 in notebook