Quality Management in the Netherlands and at the Open University of the Netherlands Jo Boon
Accreditation NVAO (Dutch-Flemish Accreditation Organization) first accreditations in academic and higher professional education in Flanders and The Netherlands Accreditation condition for – official recognition of diplomas – financing the programme by government – financing students (Netherlands)
Accreditation NVAO Accredits after external judgment on request of the program VBI Executed by a Visiting and Judging Authority (VBI) All universities: QANU The institution initiates the order for a visitation for accreditation
Accreditation framework: 6 themes Objectives of the degree course: domain specific requirements, level, orientation Programme: relation to research activities, relation between aims, objectives and content, coherence of programme, load, fits to qualifications of incoming students, didactical concept, adequate tests and evaluation of students Deployment of staff: quantity, quality and scientific involvement of teaching staff Facilities and provisions: study centers, study material, tutoring Internal quality assurance: evaluation results, improvement measures, committing staff, students, alumni and professionals in the field Results: realized final qualifications, success rate of programme
Visitation and Judgment Self evaluation written by faculty (program) Site visit (meeting staff, students, facilities) Facts (i.e. success rate, throughput) Quality management system of faculty
Issues NVAO uses global framework No references to virtual learning, distance learning or flexible and distributed learning Issues are: –institutional vs programme accreditation –academic vs professional recognition –process vs output accreditation
7 Building blocks of the quality system OUNL 1.Datawarehouse 2.Student survey 3.Try out of course material 4.Competence mapping 5.Quality calendar 6.SEIN- course evaluation 7.Basic teacher qualification
1.Data warehouse Data on students Individual level Aggregated level Study progress Alumni
2. Student survey Twice a year Regulary investigations on student satisfacion, expectations etc. Organisational level Groups varying from early starters till progressed students and drop outs
3. Try out of study material Courses almost ready Group of students study and comment parts of the new course Contracts
4. Competency mapping Curriculum redesign 2-4 competenties –Level at the end of the study –Starting level –In between – Comparison with actual curriculum – assessment
5.Quality Calendar Policy calendar: when do we decide what –Fixed documents –Fixed agendas Committees (internal/external) For each topic: –Committee in charge –Advisory committee
Three levels of governance Dean is central Dean communicates and is informed on three levels Each level has a committee End terms en strategy – council of advise Program- curriculum committee Education – faculty program committee
Coaching - portfolio Final interview, summative evaluation, certify 5 conclusion 2 Intro OUNL education 1 Intake How to use the E-educational platform of the OUNL 3 Basic Accreditation of prior learning Introduction OUNL-organization Educational development coaching Examination and assessment quality management Educ. ICT-tools Basic course mandat- ory optional 4 educational development educational coaching Examination and assessment Quality Management E-educational platform Design and develop educ. content Design of tasks Didactics Educational writing Give feedback Written and Oral feedback Distance coaching Group moderating Construction Analysis Assessment Competence test Quality Management system Course Evaluation Try outs Integrating and use of e-learning tools Multimedia design Media-choice Copyright Web writing Thematic working CSCL Thesis Groupcoaching Present Netiquette Fraud, plagiarism Portfolio Oral examination Objection Appeal Curriculum evaluation Quality aspects Content management Metadata Version management Capita selecta: colloquia, miniconferences, etc. 6. Basic Teacher Qualification
Permanent course evaluation S ignalizing E valuation IN strument the quality of the course according to the students
7. Permanent course evaluation –continuous evaluation of every course –All studets who take examinations –rough and signalizing –short standardized questionnaire –online, automatized process –weekly invitation of the student by –automatized data collection and report