5A & 2A
Materiales Escolares lápiz bolígrafo cuaderno libro
Vocabulario – La ropa y los colores La Ropa el abrigolas botaslos pantalones cortos la chaqueta el sombreroel vestidolos zapatos (de tenis ) la camiseta los calcetinesel suéterlos vaquerosla camisa la faldalos pantalones la ropa interior el traje de baño llevar – to wear or to carry (yea-var) Regular AR verb Write them into your notebook and look up the definitions using Exprésate.
Interpretive Reading Create a P2S3 diagram (see next slide) on the back of the handout Write your FIRST & LAST name, the class period and date on the front Write your P2S3 neatly, because I will check these Complete the reading process with a classmate by filling in the boxes Once you are finished, submit this to the substitute and begin the Presentational Writing task
P2S3 PREVIEW – Classify words into the following categories. PREDICT – Using the words from the first box, write a prediction that tells the intended meaning of the text. SKIM & SCAN – Quickly read the text. If you want, you may write a brief English interpretation. SUMMARIZE – Write a 30 word Spanish summary that retells the story. (Hint: Go BACK into the text to pull your information.) Cognates Vocab Words I Know
Presentational Writing With a partner, combine your efforts of the previous writing task. People that chose Prompt A will work together…People that chose Prompt B will work together, duh!! Work together to create a writing sample that answers the bullet points in the prompt. Use your time WISELY, this will be due Wednesday, Feb. 12 th Hand written NEATLY Typed, double-spaced in 12 pt or 14 pt Arial or Times New Roman
Guided Practice Read the Notas Cultural on the following pages: 84, 90, 96 (Ch. 3) 274, 278, 286, 288 (Ch. 8) Usually there is a question at the end of each Nota Cultural (see the yellow) If there is a question, answer the question in your notebook before reading the next excerpt. Write your answer Pick up a cuaderno de actividades from the cabinet Busca Choco Zucharitas Complete Pg. 24 #9 AND Pg. 74 #10 Write answers in your cuaderno Confused…look at the next slide for an example
Notas Cultural Pg. 84 – How is the similar or different from your school sports program? It is different at my school because…you didn’t think I was REALLY going to give you the answer did you??? You don’t have to write the question, just write the page number. Yes you MUST answer in a complete sentence
Clothing Activity You will need your new vocabulary words (la ropa y los colores) to complete the handout